7 Downloadable Meteorology & Environmental Science Infographic Templates

Have you noticed how weather experts can predict weather changes with such precision? Or how environmental scientists seem so passionate and knowledgeable of their craft?

Many of us may have studied these subjects in science classes, but they’re rather challenging subjects.

Thankfully, there are environmental science infographics to make learning about ecology, geosciences, and atmospheric sciences more engaging for young and old learners alike.

Advocating for the environment through infographics

We only have one planet. The message or advocacy that you want to convey in keeping it clean and green is crucial. You need to immediately get your audience’s attention and reach as many people as possible.

You might not have control over other people’s present behavior towards the planet, but you can influence their future actions with thoughtfully-designed environmental infographics.

Keep reading for a peek of our collection of environmental infographic templates.

7 customizable and editable enviromental infographic templates

With pre-made infographic templates, there are plenty of formats to choose from. You don’t have to design environmental infographics from scratch to motivate people to be more mindful about their plastic use, encourage commercial establishments to go solar, or let your audience know about the planet’s endangered species.

Carbon footprint infographic template

The carbon footprint infographic below highlights how our daily activities impact climate change – from transportation to home energy use and even from our food and drink choices. With the help of visuals, the infographic reminds us that we have to do our part in protecting the planet.

Related reading: Do You Know Your Carbon Footprint? A Case Study & Infographics

Solar power infographic template

This next infographic will shed light on the power of solar energy. Delve into the concept of using the sun to generate electricity by pairing text with visuals!

If you’d like to use this template, you can edit the placeholder texts and tweak the infographic’s colors.

Oil spill infographic template

Encourage people to learn more about oil spills through infographics. Oil spills at sea are often worst than those on land because it can kill marine life and destroy delicate marine ecosystems. It can also have a significant impact on the local fishing economy and tourism.

Hurricane infographic template

Chance favors the informed and prepared. When it comes to hurricanes, knowing the facts will help you prepare for the worst.

Use the hurricane infographic template below to educate family members and the rest of your neighborhood, especially if you’re living in a hurricane-prone area.

Mining infographic template

For an industry that is as complex and fascinating as mining, infographics are excellent tools to share mining data and information to people outside the industry.

Air pollution infographic template

For environmental advocates, the air pollution infographic below can help convince naysayers and deniers of rising carbon emission levels. This eye-opening visual also highlights the different ways to help reduce global carbon emissions.

Global warming infographic template

Finally, this last infographic not only educates but shows us how critical it is to think about global warming and its impact on rising sea levels.

Ready to customize your own environmental infographics?

Motivate people to be more mindful about their plastic use, encourage commercial establishments to go solar, or let your audience know about the planet’s endangered species with infographics.

You don’t have to design environmental infographics from scratch. Choose a template from the library and customize infographics right in your browser (no need to download any software!) with premium icons, photos, and charts.

Watch the short tutorial below to learn how you can customize environmental infographic templates using Easelly’s simple infographic maker tool.

With Easelly’s infographic maker tool, you can also add animations to your infographic and download your infographic in high-resolution formats. Voila, you just did your part in saving the planet for future generations!

*Editor’s Note: This blog post was updated on June 29, 2020 for accuracy, new updates, and comprehensiveness. It was originally published on February 3, 2018. 

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