Signage Design: What Works and What Doesn’t?

Is there anything more frustrating than driving around town looking for the right business, only to realize that you passed it by because the signage is too small or nonexistent?

Poor signage design can cost enterprises customers and money. But what works in terms of signage and what doesn’t? Keep reading to find out!

What is a Signage?

What is a signage?

A signage is a visual graphic that displays information to nearby people. It can be in words, numbers, images, or a combination of all three.

You see signage everywhere, from the stop sign at a busy intersection to the “Exit” sign above a doorway. It can also be an advertisement for a product or service, a wayfinding guide to help people navigate a space, or a warning or instruction.

In short, signage is one of the most important forms of communication. And like all forms of communication, its effectiveness depends on how well it is designed. Hence, signage design is a field of study all on its own.

What are the Different Types of Signages?

Different types of signages

There are many different types of signage, but some of the most common include:

Pylon Sign

A freestanding sign that typically identifies a shopping center, business park, or industrial complex.

Window & Floor Graphics

A great way to promote sales, new products, or special events. You can use them indoors or outdoors since they are typically made from vinyl or other durable materials.

Wall Sign

Any signage that is mounted on a wall. It can be made from various materials, including wood, metal, glass, or acrylic.

Directional Signage

Used to help people find their way around a space. They are often found in large buildings, hospitals, and college campuses.

Vehicle Graphics

A mobile form of advertising that can be used on cars, trucks, buses, vans, and boats.

Roll-up Banner

A type of signage that is commonly used at trade shows and conventions. They are easy to set up and take down and can be stored in a small space.

Why are Signages Important?

Why are signages important?

Signages are important for several reasons. They help businesses stand out from their competitors, attract customers, and build brand awareness.

They can also be used for wayfinding purposes, to guide people through space and help them find what they are looking for at a glance.

Consider this- a 2021 survey reveals that signage is one of the most important factors in choosing a business. In fact, 66% of those asked said that they were the reason why they had a negative opinion of a company.

This number shows that signage design is important and can make or break a business. Here are other statistics from the same survey to think about:

  • A little more than 75% of people admitted to purchasing in the past after noticing a sign.
  • A shop without a sign would be less likely to be frequented by 70.5% of those polled.
  • Almost 79% think a business’s signage should represent the caliber of its goods and services.

Are you convinced now of signage’s importance yet? If not, below are some more reasons why signage is essential, especially for businesses.

How Do Signages Help Companies?

How do signage help companies

Check out the ways signage can help businesses below:

1. Helps Businesses Stand Out from the Competition

In today’s world, businesses are constantly vying for attention. And with good reason. The more people know about a company, the more likely they will use its products or services.

Signage is one of the most effective ways to make a business stand out from its competitors. A well-designed sign will grab the attention of passersby and make them want to learn more about the company.

2. Attracts Customers

Signages are a great way to attract customers, both new and old. A well-designed sign can distinguish between a customer coming into a store and generating foot traffic or walking right past it.

3. Builds Brand Awareness

A sign can help people remember a company and its products or services, so they are more likely to use them in the future.

4. Provides Wayfinding Assistance

Signage can help people find their way around large buildings or complexes. This is especially important in hospitals and other medical facilities where people may be feeling lost or disoriented.

5. Saves Time and Money

Signs can save businesses time and money by providing information at a glance. For example, a sign that says “No Parking” can save a business the time and money it would take to tow a parked car in their lot.

6. Increases Sales

Signs are a great marketing tool and can increase sales for a business. 72.20% of consumers are convinced that a good one impacts their purchasing behavior more than a brand’s social media or newspaper advertisements, so don’t underestimate their power.

What Makes a Good Signage Design?

What makes a good signage design?

For any business to reap the rewards that signage offers, the design must be well thought out. A poorly designed sign will not only fail to achieve the company’s goals but can also reflect negatively on the business.

Here are some factors to consider when designing signage:

1. The message should be clear and concise.

People should be able to understand the message at a glance. The signage should not contain too much text or be too wordy, or people will not take the time to read it.

2. The signage should be visible from a distance.

It should be large enough and bright enough to catch the attention of people passing by.

3. The design should be eye-catching and easy to read.

You should design the signage in a way that is easy on the eyes and easy to read. The font should be legible, and the colors should contrast well.

4. The signage should be durable.

It should be able to withstand the elements and not fade or deteriorate over time.

5. The signage should be easy to install and remove.

It should not require special tools or equipment to install or remove.

Designing signage can be daunting, but it is important to take the time to do it right. A well-designed sign can make a big difference in the success of a business.

What are some Common Signage Design Mistakes?

Common signage design mistakes

Now that we’ve gone over what makes a good signage design, let’s examine some common signage design mistakes.

1. Not Taking into Consideration the Viewing Distance

When designing signage, you need to remember how far away people will be when they see it. If it’s too small, people will have difficulty reading it from a distance. If the signage is too big, it will look out of place and be overwhelming.

2. Not Using High-Quality Materials

If you use low-quality materials for your signage, it will reflect poorly on your business. Hence, you should make your signage from high-quality materials that are durable and look professional.

3. Not Incorporating Branding

Your signage should reflect your company’s branding. It means using the same colors, fonts, and overall design aesthetic on your other marketing materials.

4. Not Getting Professional Help

If you’re unsure how to design your signage, it’s best to get professional help. A signage designer will be able to create a design that is reflective of your company’s branding and that meets all the other criteria we’ve discussed.

5. Not Keeping it Simple

Your signage should be easy to read and understand. Don’t try to cram too much information into one signage. Keep it simple and to the point.


Signage is a powerful marketing tool that can increase sales and brand awareness for a business. However, to be effective, signage must be well-designed. Follow the tips in this article to ensure that your signage is effective and reflects positively on your business.

Need help with signage design? We’re here to help! Our team of signage experts at Easelly can help you create signage that is reflective of your company’s branding and meets all the other criteria we’ve discussed. Contact us today to get started!

Mikko Pornel:
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