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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 9% The war started began in September 1,1939. there were two powers:Allied Powers, who fought against the Germans, Italians, Japanese, Axis Powers and neutral 31% 10% north west west coast 2 World War The west coastis home to a vastarray of climatesfrom temperate,desert, lush andmoderate. Every people who evacuated a school had a gas mask, this was for if any odor bomb was thrown near them the masks would protect them from smelling a poison gas and eventually dying. What triggerd the war Gas Masks Shelters There were two type of shelters the Anderson shelter that was for to hide and avoid the air raids and the Morrison shelters you could have an indoor shelter it was a steel table and wire surround it. Blackouts All windows and doors were blacked out for the enemies unable to see if anyone was in there. The street light were turned off during blackouts. Bombs hit schools and homes too so children were in danger so the government at the beginning of the war tried to empty the cities of children and mothers. This was called evacuation. Evacuation An air raid was an attack by a plane dropping bombs. They were warned of enemy planes by sirens. Air Raids Food Ration Rationing meant that each person could buy a certain amount of things. It was a list of special foods and everyone that buy something of that list it was written in the rationing book. Grown
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