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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Equity DilemmaKindergarten grade in Paint Branch Elementary School. A partial immersion Chinese program: students have English class in the morning andmathematics and science class (which are instructed in Chinese) in the afternoon.The equity dilemma: many of the Spanish native-speaking students struggling with their English learning as well as Chinese learning. Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources Connection to Theories: 1.Social and economical Justice- How can Spanish-speaking students enjoy equal educational achievement = 50,000 deaths to starvation or hypothermia 1918 post pre Agricultural production dropped 16% 66.67% of lower group are Native Spanish Speakers ECONOMIC & SOCIAL NOVEMBERCRIMINALS right wing 2. Many of the parents of the students do not speak English or Chinese 1. Why Spanish-speaking kids more likely to struggling in the Chinese class? Both attempted revolutions: The newly formed socialistgovernment was blamed- and branded the Third language interference Jan 1919 Kapp Putch How much will student benefit from parental support in Chinese learning? (Fatherland Party) Some supported the 1916 3.Kroll and Stewarts revised hierarchical model (RHMThe RHM assumes that L2 words do not have direct access to semanticsbut only indirectly activate their meaning through lexicalassociations Connection to public discourse1.what are the other factor that affects Spanish-speaking student's learning?2.How do people maintain equity among different races?3. How do teacher help Non-English speakers success in school 2.Critical Race Theory of Educationthe intersection of race and property creates an analytic tool through which we can understand social Why Spanish-speaking kids struggling in Chinese class? 47.62% of the class areNative Spanish Speakers 66.67% of lower group are NativeSpanish Speakers Nearly a half(47.62%) of the class are Spanish-speaking students
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