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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 *resources West Point 1802~ March 16, 1802 Was the date when america founded this academy and has and and has forever changed our community. The reason why america built this university was that so america could establish and train soldiers for our military so we can defend ourselves when a war escalates once more. July 31, 1816 Was when George H. Thomas was born and he was born in Southampton County, Virginia. An 1840 graduate of West Point, Thomas served in the Mexican- American War (1846-48) and returned to teach at West Point in 1851. When the Civil War began, He remained loyal to the Union, causing his family in Virginia to sever their ties with him.Thomas was known for being the "Rock of Chickamauga" for his defense of that creek in northwestern Georgia. He also played a key role in Union General William T. Sherman's siege of Atlanta the following year. 1825 Lee entered the United States Military Academy in 1825 and became the first cadet to achieve the rank of sergeant at the end of his first year. When he graduated in 1829 he was the head of his class in artillery and tactics, and shared the distiction with five other cadets of having received no demerits during the four-year course of instruction. Overall, he ranked second in his class of 46. He was commissioned as a brevet second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. In September 1852, Lee became the superintendent of West Point. During his three years at West Point, Brevet Colonel Robert E. Lee improved the buildings and courses, and spent a lot of time with the cadets. Lee's oldest son, George Washington Custis Lee, attended West Point during his tenure. Custis Lee graduated in 1854, first in his class. 1825 The Battle of Eltham's Landing, also known as the Battle of Barhamsville, or West Point, took place on May 7, 1862, in New Kent County, Virginia, as part of the Peninsula Campaign of the American Civil War. Brig. Gen. William B. Franklin's Union division landed at Eltham's Landing and was attacked by two brigades of Brig. Gen. G. W. Smith's command, reacting to the threat to the Confederate army's trains on the Barhamsville Road. Franklin's movement occurred while the Confederate army was withdrawing from the Williamsburg line, but he was unable to interfere with the Confederate movement. 1862
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