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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Retention Public school + UDA: 65% RCA: 35% UDA: Union Drive AssociationRCA: Richardson Court Association Almost 90% of WISEparticipants in RCA chose to continue their educationin STEM at ISU their sophomore year. There is not a single home for sale in San Francisco affordable on an average teacher salary. Distribution of 206 total WISEparticipants All figures based on recent 2011 ISU retention data of over 700 female STEM participants. Skyrocketing rent prices Low Teacher Salaries Housing Crisis forTeachers Affordable Housing Crisis for Teachers Skyrocketing rent prices Low TeacherSalaries Let's look at the facts.... teachersin the San Francisco BayArea increasingly face achallenge to find afford-able housing near work. Skyrocketing Rent Prices Source: Redfin Research Center 2014. Stat that proves Bay Areais even worse. 0 5 10 15 20 1990 1995 2000 2005 Housing prices soar. Teacher salary stagnates. 0 20 40 60 80 100 January February March April May June July The problem is getting worse over time. Source: Redfin Research Center 2014. Year % Growth Rate Teacher Salary Avg. Rent Avg. Home Price Why does this matter? What can be done to help? Public school teachers deserve to live comfortably. When teachers thrive, their students thrive too. Statistic. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Text 2 Public school teachers deserve to live comfortably. When teachers thrive, their students thrive too. Statistic. Source: fjoieafjeoiaf How unaffordable is the Bay Area for teachers? So, Why does this matter? Bottom line: What can be done to help? Bottom line: 83% of homes for sale in California are unaffordable on a teacher's salary. 83% of homes for sale in California are unaffordable on a teacher's salary. Low Teacher Salaries What can be done to help? 1 1 2 1 Spread the word. Support UEAAH. Spread the word. Spread the word. Support UEAAH. 2 2 Support UEAAH. 2 Share this infographic. Start a conversation on social media. 1 Spread the word. What can be done to help? 1 1 Spread the word. Share this infographic. Start a conversation on social media. Share this infographic. Start aconversation on social media. 2 Support UEAAH. Support UEAAH. 1 2 Support UEAAH. We are a nonprofit dedicatedto this issue. Help us to help teachers. Take our survey. We will use the results to make well-informed decisionson how to serve teachers best. 3 3 Take our survey. We will use the results to make well-informed decisionson how to serve teachers best. Volunteer. Donate. Visit Connect with us on social media. 3 High rents = teacher shortages. When teachers thrive, their students thrive. When teachers struggle, their students struggle. Public school teachers deserve to live comfortably, and have affordable housing options. So, why does this matter? Volunteer. Donate. Visit Connect with us on social media. High rents = teacher shortages. High rents = teacher shortages. In one teacher exit survey, Tweet us your top reason. @UEAAH
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