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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Website Support Northern Lights Technology Plan Analysis Types of Learners Other Issues Application of Technology double click to change this header text! Collaboration Benefits to Learning Using a similar method to Borokhovski et al.'s (2011) analytical coding and searching specific terms within educational technology policy, Northern LIghts Educational Technology Plan was analyzed. Borokhovski et al.'s framework provided adequate search terms which allowed for primary focus areas to be uncovered from the technology plan. However, this method did not lend itself to the depth and breadth at which a specific topic was covered, but regardless, once this was done strengths and weaknesses of the plan were still evident. Suggestions for improvement for the plan in regards to leadership aspects are shown below. No mention ofaboriginal students and rural students ImprovingCommunicationand Interactivity (9) ImprovingCollaboration (3) FlexibilityAccessbility (3) Improving 21st Century Skills throughICT initiatives (6) Meeting SocialDemands (2) Special Needs Learners (2) (Assistive technologies andthe requirements of support staff) No mention ofachievement or cost-efficiency ProfessionalDevelopment (4) Logistics/Infrastructure (4) Research (4) Technological Resources (4) No mention ofCourse Developmentsupports or Developing Technology Leadership Skills Connecting with Remote Learners (1) SecondLanguage Learning (1) Literacy (3) Technology Integration (3) No mention ofNumeracy uses, Science reasoning uses, but mentions improving BYOD access Regulations (21) FinancialResponsibilities (2) Content & Course Standards (2) Copyright & Certification (2) Security (3) Ethics (4) Most of the document was regulations for teachers, administrators,support staff and technicians. Coordination of Efforts (2) SharingResources (1) Involvement of Other Parties (1) A large part of the ICT outcomes included in the document focussed on collaboration between students, teachers and other affiliates double click to change this header text! Ideas for Improvement: The plan primarily names the school administrators as the technology leaders within the school rather than, perhaps, a teacher who is directly in the classroom. The plan does not address how one can become a technology leader within their school, other than being randomly appointed, so this leaves the assumption that the administrator is the primary technology leader. One great thing that the plan does include is ISTE NETS standards for evaluating the skills and knowledge for administrators to support their body of followers in implementing technology and navigating the digital landscape. These standards however, are included as an appendix to the document, and bigger focus needs to be put on this leadership because the administrators adoption of technology can help address all of the other issues that are seen above and help to better integrate technology into the classroom (Shattuck, 2010). This technology plan also needs to be communicated to not just the administrators, of which are probably the only ones that know about it, but also all staff. They are the ones working with the students to help them develop the outlined 21st Century Skills. References: Borokhovski et al. (2011) An extended systematic review of Canadian policy documents on e-learning: What we're doing and not doing. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 37 (3), 2-30. Shattuck, G. (2010). Understanding school leaders role in teachers adoption of technology integration classroom practices. Educational media and technology yearbook. 35, 7-28. By: Rebekah Donaldson100235444
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