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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1815-1832 WASHINGTON IRVING American Romantic or Old-style European? 1783-1803 1804-1809 1833-1859 Little minds are subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above them. ~Washington Irving -Birth: April 3, 1783 to William andSarah in New York. Youngest of 11 children (Reuben).-Like brothers, loved writing. Wrote 9satirical essays under pseudonym, Jonathon Oldstyle with help of brother,Peter (Norton 467). -Took a period of extended leave to Europe.when both his father and fiancée, Matilda Hoffman, died. -Published the Sketch Book ("Rip Van Winkle"and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow") and Tales of a Traveler.-1826: traveled to Spain; wrote a biography ofChristopher Columbus.-Known as a "shy, ironic, at times melancholy American bachelor writer traveling in Europe"(Hedges). Washington Irving (Newton). Sunnyside, Irving's home in Tarrytown, New York (HistoricHudson Valley). Diedrich Knickbocker from A History of New York (Darley). -Moved into Sunnyside estate in Tarrytown, New York with 2 brothers andmany nieces upon returning to US (Reuben).-1832: Took a trip west and wrote "A Tour onthe Prairies" and Bonneville.-1842-46: served as US minister to Spain.-Returned; wrote 5-volume Life of Washington.-Died: November 28, 1859 (Hedges). 1804: contracted tuberculosis; went to Europe.1806: Returned to US to practice law.1807: He and brother William poked fun of high New York society in Salmagundi.1809: wrote A History of New York, anerroneous, but amusing account of the city's establishment (Reuben). -1804: contracted tuberculosis; went to Europe.-1806: Returned to US to practice law.-1807: He and brother William poked fun of high New York society in Salmagundi.-1809: wrote A History of New York, anerroneous, but amusing account of the city's establishment (Reuben). Ichabod Crane chased by the Headless Horseman in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"(Darley). Washington Irving
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