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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Through others, we become ourselves. -Lev Vygotsky 8 WAYS TO INCORPORATE VYGOTSKY'S THEORYINTO PRACTICEIN THE MATH CLASS Teachers have a love/hate relationship with Vygotsky. We recognize that growth emerges from opportunities within a student's zone of proximal development, yet struggle with crafting instruction to meet the experiences and needs of a classroom full of diverse learners. EXPERIENCESRelate problems to students'own experiences in order to linkspontaneous concepts to scientific concepts. UNDERSTANDINGConceptual knowledge of number shouldproceed procedural knowledge. DISCOURSEOpen-ended questions and conversationsencourage the intersection of a social/surface understanding withinternal insight. PROBLEM SOLVINGPresenting a few well-structuredproblems (vs. pages of computation) encourages perserverance and increased focus. CONNECTIONSEach lesson should explicitlyconnect important mathematical concepts. CONCEPTSIn order for algorithms to align with concepts, concrete experiences shouldbe bridged to abstract ideasby mathematicalrepresentations.(Concrete to representationalto abstract instruction) LANGUAGEFormal mathematicallanguage should be introduced alongsideconcrete experiences. Kozulin, A. (2004). Vygotsky's Theory in the Classroom: Introduction. European Journal of Psychology of Education, XIX. retrieved from, D. (1999). Learning Mathematical Language in the Zone of Proximal Development. Teaching Children Mathematics, 6(1), 38-42. MODELSEmergent mathematicianslearn from the models of their peers and teacher; plan 'think-alouds' and strategytalk often.
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