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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 10 Simple Tricks to Prevent Overeating Sip Some Soup Hide It Pick Something Stinky Be Aware It's true: When we see food, we eat it. A study of secretaries foundthat those with chocolate candies in clear containers on their desksate almost twice as much as they did than when the candies were"hidden" in opaque containers. They also ate less if the candy wasplaced at least six feet away from their desks. The moral? Don't messwith temptation. Keep calorie-dense treats covered, tucked away in acabinet, or out of reach. Often, when you are eating while simultaneously doing another activityyou will have no stop signal that tells you when it's time to stop. Sinceyour mind is preoccupied with whatever else it is you are doing, be it theTV, computer or talking to a friend on the phone, these will all cause youto keep shoving food in your mouth even though you are beyond full.This is the biggest reason why it is important when you are eating to sitdown at the table and eat. Only eat. Not only will you enjoy your foodmore but you will be aware of your bodies' natural hunger signals. Eat Breakfast Without Fail Solid foods that have a high fluid content can help you suppresshunger. When we eat foods with a high water content like fruitsand vegetables, versus low water-content foods like crackers andpretzels, we get bigger portions for less calories.Bottom line: you consume more food but cut calories at the sametime. You can experience a similar effect in foods with a lot of air.In one study, people ate 21% fewer calories of an air-puffed cheesesnack, compared with a denser one. Munch Fiber All Day Long Fiber can help you feel full faster and for longer. Becausethe body processes a fiber-rich meal more slowly, it mayhelp you stay satisfied long after eating. Fiber-packed foodsare also higher in volume, which means they can fill you upso you eat fewer calories. One review published in theJournal of the American Dietetic Association linked a highintake of cereal fiber with lower body mass index andreduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Always Include Protein When researchers at Purdue University asked 46 dieting womento eat either 30% or 18% of their calories from protein, thehigh-protein eaters felt more satisfied and less hungry. Plus, overthe course of 12 weeks, the women preserved more lean bodymass, which includes calorie-burning muscle. Chew Gum or Suck on a Mint This helps occupy you while giving your mouth somethingto do. Plus most foods don’t taste that great with a mintymouth, so it will help you avoid unneeded food. Drink Some Water 60% of the time we feel hungry, it is actually because we are thirsty.Many people do not drink enough water on a daily basis. You needabout 64 ounces a day or about half or your body weight in ouncesof water per day. If it is hot outside or you have been active you willneed more. So when it is warm day enjoy a glass of refreshing coldwater. But if it is cold outside, opt for sipping on some warmed waterto help avoid eating. Sources:,,,, Before digging into your entree, savor a bowl of soup.You'll likely consume 20 percent fewer calories overthe course of the meal (a good tip to remember if youtend to overeat at restaurants). The soup fills andstretches your stomach, sending signals to your brainthat tell you to stop or slow down eating. To maximizenutrition and minimize calories, choose a vegetable- orbroth-based soup, such as gazpacho, and skip thecream-based selections. Build High-Volume Meals Foods with a strong smell may help curb your portioncontrol, according to a 2012 study in "Flavor". Studyparticipants were given vanilla custard and were exposedto varying intensities of vanilla scent. When they smelledmore vanilla, they ate smaller portions, ScientificAmerican reported. A study published in the British Journal of Nutritiontracked the diets of nearly 900 adults and found thatwhen people ate more fat, protein, and carbohydratesin the morning, they stayed satisfied and ate less overthe course of the day than those who ate their biggermeals later on. Unfortunately, many Americans start offon an empty stomach. In one survey, consumers reportedthat even when they eat in the morning, the meal is a fullbreakfast only about one-third of the time.
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