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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 south east LGBT Network LGBT Network Our Aims What is the Network? Why have a Network? Meeting s Online forum Social Events Learning and Developme nt "At Bletchley Park Turing's brilliance led to the successful decryption of German ENIGMA codes, helping win the war in the Atlantic and ultimately bring the war to an earlier close. Post-war, Turing worked on the earliest computers and artificial intelli-gence. But his homosexuality fell foul of cold-war paranoia, he lost his security clearance and indirectly the position and reco-gnition he deserved..." Thankfully times have changed and the LGBT Network has been making a positive difference to individuals and the organisation for over ten years. What started as an initial, fairly tentative meeting of half a dozen staff has grown into a professional, supported network that has been responsible for an incredible amount of organis-ational change throughout the past decade. Interested in becoming part of the Network? Email the LGBT shared mailbox or get in touch with any of the contacts listed overleaf. Each July we organise and host the Tri-Agency LGBT Conference, demonstrating how far all of the agencies have come with LGBT staff and within the wider LGBT community. We fly the Pride Flag over Main Building during Pride weekend, we have moved up into the top 25 employers in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index and received a Stonewall Diversity Star Performer award. We ran our first cross agency Leadership Programme for LGBT staff in 2014. A community of people who either class themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender.Our LGBT Network truly believes that people perform at their best when they can be themselves at work. For some people this can be in every part of their working life, for others it may not be that straightforward. The mission we set ourselves is simple: We have the most important role in supporting LGBTstaff to have the confidence to be open about themselvesin the workplace, thereby assisting their own contributionto the vital role of the organisation.One of the most important functions the Networkprovides is a place to automatically belong and act as a catalyst for members to find new friendship groups. Provide a LGBT community of like-minded individuals and friends Ensure the office is committed to equality and diversity Provide support and information Enhance diversity and champion the business benefitsthat it brings Opportunities for personal devel-opment, ranging from Reverse Mentoring to attending the Stonewall Leadership Programme As well as ongoing diversity workwe organise regular social events for members Regular meetings and AGM as well as the LGBT Conference Members have access to our intranet page and discussion group
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