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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Transcendentalism in literature: an alienation of modern life Transcendentalism is a literary, political, and philosophical movement that originated in the early 1800s. Two of the main transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy, 2011). The Transcendentalists were inspired by Humes scepticism and the German and English Romanticists, who protested against political and social norms of the 1800s and reacted against industrialisation that rationalised nature. Politically, they could be described as liberalists (Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.) . Transcendentalists were critical of the society in which they lived. They did not approve of the way people conformed without thinking critically about what they were conforming to (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.). They propagated individualism of the heart, mind, soul and the search for personal truth and self-reliance. They sanctioned the rejection of social norms, values and traditions that went against peoples own personal convictions (Bio, n.d.). Thoreau worked as a school teacher but he resigned because he was against corporal punishment. Transcendentalists did not approve of the American Governments policies on slavery, the treatment of Native Americans and the Mexican war (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2011). Thoreau propagated Resistance to Civil Government . He spent a night behind bars for refusing to pay poll taxes. Thoreau explained his non-conformist actions by saying: "The citizen has no duty to resign his conscience to the state, and may even have a duty to oppose immoral legislation such as that which supports slavery and the Mexican War". (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy, 2011)Transcendentalists were also active abolitionists, Thoreau for instance, was an active member of the Underground Railroad (Bio, n.d.). Today, Thoreau is respected for his political beliefs and actions. During his lifetime it was not always the case. Later, he inspired many Americans to stand up for what they believed in, during the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. Transcendentalists did not approve of the American Governments policies on slavery, the treatment of Native Americans and the Mexican war (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2011). Thoreau propagated Resistance to Civil Government . He spent a night behind bars for refusing to pay poll taxes. Thoreau explained his non-conformist actions by saying: "The citizen has no duty to resign his conscience to the state, and may even have a duty to oppose immoral legislation such as that which supports slavery and the Mexican War" . (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy, 2011) Transcendentalism is a literary, political, and philosophical movement that originated in the early 1800s.Two of the main transcendentalists were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy, 2011). The Transcendentalists were inspired by Humes scepticism and the German and English Romanticists,who protested against political and social norms of the 1800s and reacted against industrialisation thatrationalised nature. Politically, they could be described as liberalists (Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.).Transcendentalists were critical of the society in which they lived. They did not approve of the waypeople conformed without thinking critically about what they were conforming to(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.). They propagated individualism of the heart, mind,soul and the search for personal truth and self-reliance. They sanctioned the rejection of social norms,values and traditions that went against peoples own personal convictions (Bio, n.d.). Thoreau worked as a school teacher but he resigned because he was against corporal punishment.Transcendentalists did not approve of the American Governments policies on slavery, the treatmentof Native Americans and the Mexican war (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2011). Thoreau propagated Resistance to Civil Government . He spent a night behind bars for refusingto pay poll taxes. Thoreau explained his non-conformist actions by saying: "The citizen has no duty to resign his conscience to the state, and may even have aduty to oppose immoral legislation such as that which supports slavery and the Mexican War".(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy, 2011)Transcendentalists were also active abolitionists, Thoreau for instance, was an active member of theUnderground Railroad (Bio, n.d.). Today, Thoreau is respected for his political beliefs and actions.During his lifetime it was not always the case. Later, he inspired many Americans to stand upfor what they believed in, during the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War. Opting out of the standards set by society by which to live your life, Transcendentalists were increasingly attracted to new life styles that were closer to nature, following in the footsteps of Romanticism in Europe. To value the simplicity of nature, Thoreau moved into a very basic wooden cabinby Walden pond to live as simply and self-reliantly as possible. (Bio, n.d.). Opting out of the standards set by society by which to live your life, Transcendentalists were increasingly attracted to new life styles that were closer to nature, following in the footsteps of Romanticism in Europe. To value the simplicity of nature, Thoreau moved into a very basic wooden cabin by Walden pond to live as simply and self-reliantly as possible. (Bio, n.d.).
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