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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Language Human and AnimalThinking and Language Thinking Thinking is also known as cognition Concepts are groupings of similar ideas, kind of like putting things into a category in your brain A prototype is like a representation of a concept, something you will automatically think of when given a general concept Thinking is often used to solve problems, and algorithms (a logical procedure that guarantees a result), heuristics (a procedure taking efficent shortcuts) or insight (sudden realiztions of a solution) are used People who are creative arevery good at finding differentways to solve a problem. Representative heuristic is judging the availability of something dependent on your prototype of it Overconfidence is when a person thinks they know more than they do. Availability heuristic is judging the likelihood of something depending on how well we remember it It can take a lot of information to change a person's perception of something, know as belief perseverance, while belief bias is when a person's opinions effect their reasoning Humans have started recreating the human thought process through artificial intelligence Language is anything that is communicated to another human being that has meaning A phoneme is the smallest sound in a language, but a morpheme is the smallest sound that has a meaning There are 3 rules to language1. grammar is rules to communicate with other people2. semantics are the rules of meanings of spoken language3. syntax is the rules of combining words There are 4 stages of a human infant learning a language1. Babbling stage - random sounds the infant makes2. One word stage - the child starts speaking single words3. Two word stage - the child is able to put two words together to comprehend4. Telegraphic stage - the child talks like a telegram (very short sentences), and can put nouns and verbs together The ability to learn a language decreases as you get older Benjamin Lee Whorf came up with the linguistic relativity hypothesis, which states that language effects the way we think Humans think in both images and words Animals also think and communicate, and apes have been known to learn to communicate with humans. Animals often usegestures to communicate with each other. We know animals think because of their ability to solve problems Becca Whiteman
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