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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Conference Committee 2nd Reading Rules Committee 3rd Reading VOTE President How a Bill Becomes Law Standing Committee First Reading SENT TOOTHER CHAMBERTO REPEATPROCESS If the bill calls forspending of money, itmust start in the House. Any bill that starts in theHouse is placed in the "Hopper,"a repository box for bills. Congress uses ParliamentaryProcedure to get around theactual "reading" of bills. This is a permanent committeethat discusses bills of a singletopic: budget, defense, energy, etc. "The 90-90 Rule:"90% of a bill's work is done in committee90% of bills die in committee 3 Main Options for a Committee:1. Recommend "do pass:" bill goes to floor2. Kill: bill is voted out and dies3: Pigeonhole: bill stays in committee indefinitely "Traffic Cop:" This committeedecides what bills go to the floor. Only the House hasa Rules Committeebecause the Senatecan endlessly debatea bill on the floor. Each Senator or Representativehas one vote50% +1 majority to pass The second and third readingsare instituted largely because ofthe time that has passed--even a successful bill takesmonths to reach the floor. Action by bothhouses is aform of checksand balances. The Third Reading beginsopen debate. The sponsorof the bill begins debate,and from there, debatefollows the rules ofParliementary Procedure.Congressmen must stand,be given the floor by theSpeaker or President,and stay standing foras long as they hold thefloor. Normally, a Housemember can only hold thefloor for five minutes, buta Senator can filibuster--endlessly debate the bill. Floor Debate If different versions of a bill are passedin the House and Senate, it is sent to aConference Committee, which works out thedifferences so only one bill is sentto the President. The President has 4 options. 1. Sign-- President approves bill and the bill becomes law2. Veto-- President rejects bill and the bill is sent back toCongress, pending an override3. If the President doesn't act within 10 days, the billbecomes law without his signature4. If Congress adjourns within 10 days of the bill beingsent to the President, the bill dies without his veto.
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