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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 "To wit that the exteriorisation of memory is a loss of memory and of knowledge, is experienced toady in our daily lives, in all aspects of our existence." (Stoegler,Nernard)The paradox is that, is the mnemotechnology improving our life to do things without memory to do things, or is it ruining our life as people might experiencing the hypomnesis because they rely on the technology too much? Memory Great @knowledge | @cognition(knowledge industry | cultural capitalism) Mnemotechnique Telsa Motors are the auto-motor cars which does not need the oil to driver. The driving engine is the touchable computer in the car. Our brain does not have to operate to think about how to drive a car. The touchable computer will do it for you. This car will give us the conscious of driving a car without actually driving the car. 1. Archive of the past information 2. Cultura Capitalism 2Telsa Motors Future PRESENT 1Google glass Google glass give the human a conscious of viewing the world in a digital format. The mnemotechnology enables the brain the feel the visual image in front of a real world. It gives us the sense of living in the present, but feeling the future. References: Stiegler, Nernard, 'Anamnesis and Hypomnesis: Plato as the first thinker of the proletarianisation',Ars Industrialis, <> THE Mnemotechnology 2 2 double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! -Primary retention: we experience the passing past in the present -Secondary retention: recollaction, "natural" or "human"-Tertiary memory: technical supports, not only trigger "natural memory", but might provide the context for all memory Memory: conscious, unconscious and preconscious double click to change this header text! Hypomnessis Paradox DIGITAL MEDIA:degenerativeforgetfulerasable PAST double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Create or feel the conscious of the present Information is dynamic
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