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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION AND NEVER SHARING TOO MUCH IDENTITY THEFT "Approximately 15 million UnitedStates residents have theiridentities used fraudulently eachyear with financial losses totalingupwards of $50 billion." - There has been countless stories about identity theft and the devastating effect it has on lives. Identity theft effects millions of people in America alone, protectingyour personal information couldmean the difference between a lot of things. For example, people who've experienced identity theft and have had their credit destroyed, by the offenders,can't even buy a home,purchase a car, or otherimportant necessities. Here's some easy steps totake towards protecting your personal information: 1. Use a public mailboxinstead of your own whilehandling important info.2. PROTECT YOUR SOCIALSECURITY NUMBER!3. Shred any sensitive informationthat is not needed anymore4. Keep personal information to yourself5. Secure your informationonline6. Watch your bank account CLOSELY Real Stories of Identity Theft: Joe Tremba had just moved in with his newfiancee when he got a letter from a collectionagency asking for $5,000. Alarmed and confusedTremba calls to ask what was the meaningof the letter, he then found out he was subjectto identity theft. Tremba knew it was not him thatowed the money and that instead someone elsewas using his information but the creditors had no proofthat it was not Tremba. Tremba is still stuck with calls from collectors demandingtheir money. His credit score fell through and he couldn'tbuy a new home for his newfamily. If Mr. Tremba had watched his credit and found out about the offenders' abuse earlier he might have been able to stop them and he wouldn't be in the rut he's in now. Sources: TMI? Too Much Information? Lots of people have been subject to cyberstalking -- stalking someone using technology. The above image shows the spread of cyberstalking by state. Many people could avoid incidents of cyberstalking by taking a couple of simple steps:1. Never, ever share your home address -- the cyberstalker could become a real life threat2. Protect all of your passwords of all youraccounts, stalkers could get into your accounts post unsettling things or evenget your personal info through it.3. Search for your name on the internetand make sure there's nothing onlineabout you that you want others to see4. Be wary of suspicious phone calls, texts,emails, etc. 5. NEVER SHARE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITYNUMBER UNLESS NECESSARY!7. Check your credit regularly8. If you think you're subject to cyberstalking,talk to someone you immediately Jemma's Cyberstalking Story: Jemma had been using an onlinedating website, she met someonewhom she thought was a nice person. They became closer but Jemma realized that somethingwasn't right about him so she tried to leave him. Angry and confused, he started leaving her dozens of phone calls, emails, text messages, etc. Jemma would wake up in themiddle of the night from herphone ringing for hours straight.She contacted the police but it was only after 2-3 complaintswas something done. The stalkerwas arrested and it was discovered he'd been in a similarsituation 10 years before! He wasgiven a restraining order. Jemmaimmediately reset all her passwordsand contacted the dating websiteto tell them of the restless man. Nothing was really done. Thereafter Jemma tried again on the dating website and met someone namedDominic. At first she wasn't too sure to trust him after what just happened.She Googled his name and his namewas clean. But she was still unsure ofhim. She asked head of security for "Dominic's" billing address, she learned"Dominic" was her stalker, he wasusing the name of a harmless writerto get close to her again. The police tookaction and put an alarm in her home andthe man was obtained.
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