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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 THE DEATH OF CANADA'S FORESTS FOR OIL *Other includesurbanization, dams,mining, etc. - Boycott destructive companies - Reduce your carbon footprint- Spread the message- Plant trees! WHAT IS AFFECTED BY TAR SANDS DEFORESTATION? Alberta representsover 1/3 of Canada's green housegas emissions 33% Disruption of Water Cycles Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disruption of Water Cycles No trees to anchor fertile soil. Animal & PlantSpecies Soil Erosion Imbalance in precipitationand river flow and groundwater contamination Inbalance in trophic levels &increased fighting for living area.-> Extinction No trees = no carbon sink = climate change A SLOW MOVING DISASTER The Alberta Tar Sands In the end...... will close than will have opened. CO2 MOOR DOORS CANADA'S FORESTS BOREAL CONTAIN WORLD'S WATER SUPPLY unfrozen 80% of the more than 20 different in the tar sands region of Northern Alberta Live (Mapleleafweb, 2008) 80% of Traditional Territories are Rendered for most of the year Inaccessible up to ROOT CAUSES Economic gainsfor corporations global demand for oil lack of Environmental Protection Political Oversights LOSS OF TRADITIONAL LANDS and Resources Creates Cultural and Social Vulnerability Loss of sustainable livelihoods Loss of cultural complexities through no environmental justice No access to resources: education, employment, clean water & health Dependancy on the system Lack of meaningful consultation by Government and Industry Increase in poverty and disease Building Empowermentof the Local People Capacity building in Native Communities Use Asset mapping between different First Nations bands to establish strengths Incorporate Sustainability Strategies Utilizing the strengths within Communities Land UseMitigation Strategies Ensure Prolonged and consistent dialogue and partnerships with Government and Industry that build trust Reclaime Culture through having land claims and treaty rights honoured Become Less dependent onthe systemthrough practisingtraditional ways Encourage the maintenanceof health through sustainable and ethical land use practices that ensure a continued vibrantand diverse ecosystemfor generations to come "We need to promote policy and social change that empowers these communities, particularly those historically disadvantaged and disempowered, that have beeneffected by disasters. We can not allow people in positions of power who havelittle or no vested interest in or indigenous knowledge of affected communities todefine policy and social changes that will take place within these communities". The Tar Sands"Gigiproject" is THE LARGEST industrial and MOST Destructive project IN HUMAN HISTORY It has become the single largest contributor in North America to and...... is the cause of the FASTEST RATE of Deforestation ON THE PLANET Climate Change Maintain traditions and specialized knowledge that is passed on Orally from generation to generation Improve infrastructure on reservations through distributedfunctions and education Promote and encourage First Nations Art and Tourism (Oil Sands Truth, n.d.) (CBC News. 2014) (The Globe And Mail. 2014) (Canadian Geographic, 2015) (Environmental Defence Fund. 2013). (Tar Sands Solutions Network. n.d.) FIRST NATIONS communities (SinksWatch. n.d.) (Fordham, Lovekamp, Thomas & Phillips, 2013) (McKnight & Kretzmann, 1996) (Paterson, 1998) (Fordham, Lovekamp, Thomas, & Phillips, 2013, p.468) It is FIRST NATIONS Understanding that you can not separate the AIR the WATER the LAND or the Animals as each Depends on each other Just as they depend on each to LiVE IN HARMONY with NATURE is to LiVE IN HARMONY with each other THE SEVENTH GENERATION PRINCIPLE states that every decision made should incorporate the effects it will have for seven generations to come Now is the time to start incorporating these First Nations' Principlesinto our daily lives as well as into Canada's system and also into our business and environmental practices. Disaster & Emergency Management
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