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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TYPES OF SYSTEMS A system is an entity that maintains its existence through the mutual interaction of its parts. It is any network that has coherence. Seeing the world through information flow.Hear the words process redesign or process engineering and you know that process systems thinking is at work. Process systems thinkers look at the flow of information and the flow of activitythrough a process. The way to change a process system is to understand and rearrange the flow of information and activity. OPEN SYSTEMS SOCIAL SYSTEMS PROCESS SYSTEMS Seeing the world through human interaction. Relationships are at the heart of social systems. To influence change in a social system, leaders need to consider three components: interactions with and among the social groups; perceptions people hold on the forces that shape their interactions (rules, policies, roles, power, etc.); and purpose and goals of the system (are they shared and understood). Understanding group dynamics helps understand social systems. Seeing the world as it naturally unfolds. Living systems are constantly changing, a worldof rapidly interacting relationships where order naturally emerges. A living system perspective assumes that groups, activities and processes are selforganizing STARTHERE Seeing the world through flows and constraints. Open systems work begins with the notion that the whole of a system is greater than the sum of its parts. Open systems theory believes that any human organization is a living entitya life form. It transforms its inputs and the inputs transform the organization. To change an open system, leaders must learn to understand the relationship the system has with its environment. SYSTEMDYNAMICS LIVING SYSTEMS Seeing the world through ongoing patterns of influence.
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