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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Government HealthCare/Medicine Government Economy Social Welfare Education America, what went wrong? Associate degree graduates require less loans than graduates with 4-year degrees and can make more than bachelor degree holders. America is:-79th in elementary school enrollmentAmerican 15 year-olds rank: -17th in the world for science -25th in math 0 20 40 60 80 100 January February March April May June July -Almost 50 million Americans dont have insurance which is difficult for hospitals and emergency rooms to deal with-Makes it harder for small businesses to hire-Estimated to increase national debt by $23.1 billion a year OBAMACARE America-50th in life expectancy -173rd out of 221 in infant mortality-18% of gross domestic product on healthcare Japan-3rd in life expectancy-220th out of 221 in infant mortality-8.5% of gross domestic product on healthcare -Projected to increase the cost of premiums for those with private insurance-Young people are forced to pay for health benefits they will never use-An estimated 7 million people will lose their employer sponsored insurance-Businesses are cutting employees hours because they cannot afford to implement Obamacare There is a large discrepancy between the two generations of the 25-34 age group and the 35-64 age group. The younger age group shows a decline in education, less people are graduating high school and attending college. The red colored states show states in which welfare pays more than minimum wage, in 35 states. Also, welfare pays less in 17 states, which are the tan colored states. In 13 states, welfare pays over $15, with Hawaii at the highest, with $29 an hour. Welfare spending is almost at $1 trillion a year. Most of the welfare comes from medical care, then cash, other aid, food aid, and then housing aid. Since the war on poverty in 1964, welfare spending has increased dramatically. Obama's planned spending for 2015 includes over half of the spending on the military while education is at 6% and Welfare is at 5%. Science is at 3% and energy and environment, together, are at 3%. The average student loan debt in the U.S. is at $23,200. The total student loan debt reaches around $1 Trillion. The national average for student loans is 8.8%. The average college student has $23,200, which is more than a person working full time, with minimum wage, would make. From 1950 to 2000, the average mean family income has increased, with a few small discrepancies. From 2000 to the present, the average annual income has decreased, and for the first time ever, the top 5% are decreasing in income, too. Japan's health care is cheaper and more dedicated to primary care. According to Zakaria: Allocation of resources is highly inefficientThe general public doesnt understand how the government worksPolitical system that doesnt plan for the futureThe Constitution was exceptional,but has created a system that is now a little creaky Leopold found: Catherine Rampell uses the Pew Research Center Report in "Fatalism and the American Dream". It points out that 22% of college graduates believe they have a small control over their fate, which is relatively low., even with the debt problem and statistics showing negative family income change.
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