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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Understanding Learners and Learning Zone of Proximal Development Level of assisted performance J.Piaget's Cognitive Development TrustvsMistrust AutonomyvsShame IntiativevsGuilt Industry vsInferiority Identity vs Confusion IntimacyvsConfusion GenerativityvsStagnation IntegrityvsDespair (Birth to 1 year) (3 to 6 years) (6 to 12 years) (12 to 18 years) (Young adulthood) (Adulthood) (Old age) We can understand on how children think and learn so that we can provide a stimulating environment that will support their learning process. Active learner Schema Assimilation Accomodation Equilibrium Sensorimotor (age birth to 2)-object permanance Social Experience Preoperational (age 2 to 4)-egocentrism-pretend play Concrete operational (4 to 7)-conserve Formal operational (age 7 to adolescene)-think abstractly THE 4 STAGES L. Vygotsky Sociocultural Theory of Cognitive Development Social interaction Level of independent performance Private speech Self Regulation Scaffolding Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model of Development Microsystem-peers, family, neighbourhood Exosystem-sociental influenceshealth care Macrosystem-The culture (1 to 3 years) Mesosytem-Interactions between family,peers, schools Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development Identity Self concepts Differences Piaget and Vygotsky Erikson and Bronfenbrenner Constructivism Similarities social interaction developmental process Piaget and Vygotsky cognitive development
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