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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The World and Swine Flu H1N1 stands for Hemagglutinin (H) Type1 and Neuraminidase (N)Type 1. .The H and N are both proteins that form on every virus's surface. H1N1 is a type of influenza A virus and is the most cause of human sickness. The common name isswine flu, and the scientific name is H1N1 Its called swine flu because people had direct contact with pigsin the past and that's how they caught the flu. Swine flu effects the respiratory system,which means it effects the lungs. The influenza is basically when the virus act as a protein to penetrate the cell membrane and this penetration is whatcause the damage of a cell. Swine flu was first recognized in Mexico, however swine flu can date back to years before the actual outbreak, for example, many countries in Europe have experienced the same symptoms of swine flu. Symptoms include cough, fever, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue. Signs of severe flu include fast breathing, skin and lips are blueish grey, pain or pressure in chest, sudden dizziness, dehydrated, haven't passed urine, lots of vomiting. and seizures. Since some of the symptoms include coughing, runny nose, mucus and phlegm, this is a sign that it effects the respiratory system. It effects the lungs, it strains muscles in the lungs which causes a build up of phlegm. This disease affects all ages, butit mainly affects younger kids because their immune system aren't as developed as adults. Religion and culture play a rolein location. Swine flu is found more in North America, because they have many consumers of pigs while most people in Asia abstain from them. However, china is a big breeder of pigs,however their culture reflects cleanliness in every aspect. Treatment for H1N1 includes bedrest, increased fluid consumption, cough suppressants, and antipyretics and analgesics for fevers.this is very similar to treating the common cold. For severe swine flu you need to consume high concentration of fluids and take other preventative measures such as vaccinations.The vaccine works by injecting a small portion of the virus intothe body so the body can build an immunity against it.This vaccine , as well as other medical measure have been very effective since it is now globally uncommon. Some of these measures include a greater supply to handsanitizers in public,as well as media and local awareness and access to the vaccine. Swine flu is diagnosed byquick test such as the swab sample, and if the person has the symptoms or not. The best way to prevent swineflu is to be hygienic.Make sure to wash your hands frequently, make sure to avoid contact with your eyes, nose, and mouth. When swine flu broke out the media brought attention upon the matter and increased the availability of handsanitizer. Over time the flu become uncommon. The hype over it died down. There have been vaccinationsto help with swine flu. This has beenvery effective as swine flu is scarce now. 100,000+ 75,000+ 5,000+ 5,000+ 75,000+ 100,000+ Map Illustrates Swine Flu Spread Globally (2010) By: Mobarrat Shahriar and Efaz Chowdhury BibliographyWhat Does H1n1 Stand for?. (n.d.). - Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Flu Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - How is swine flu diagnosed? - MedicineNet. (2013, September 23). MedicineNet. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from H1N1 Flu Virus (Swine Flu): Symptoms, Causes, Tests, and Treatments. (2012, December 30). WebMD. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Swine Flu Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What causes swine flu? - MedicineNet. (2013, September 23). MedicineNet. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Swine Flu Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - What is the treatment for swine flu? - MedicineNet. (n.d.). MedicineNet. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from (originally referred to as Swine Flu). (n.d.). H1N1 (Swine Flu). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from flu (H1N1 flu). (2014, April 5). Definition. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from H1N1 flu (swine flu). [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed April 29th, 2014].
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