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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 "It's quite annoying as our job role getsmany interuptions throughout the day" Age group with the most smartphone users and the largest number of first-time Screen Saver Trial Survey Results 2012 for Helpful information for real estate marketers of all desktop searchesresult in an actionwithin one BEHAVIOR of all mobile searches result in an action within one "It's very annoying, slow to wake up and disruptive if trying to read lengthy documents" DATA FOR 2012 61% 79% ACTION TAKEN Daily time spent using device to make calls 81% 25 55% Increase of smartphonesubscriptions Copyright*resources - NAR 2011 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers,,, 12 79% 61% 81% Causes of confidentiality breaches Smartphones are rapidly becoming the go-to device for mobile subscribers. ePropertySites explores some recent and relevant data in this infographic that can assist real estate marketers in making mobile marketing decisions. 25-34 minutes minutes homebuyers 70% hour month Do you feel that a locking screensaver with password would be more effective? Do you always lock your screen when you leave your computer? Has the screensaverimproved IGon the ward? 55% YES NO Would a lockingscreensaver with a password be more effective? Have any aspects of the IG campaign changed yourbehaviour? Lack of training Human error Lack of IT skills What did people think about the screen saver? Would a locking screen saver be better? "It will be more annoying" "If you need the computer and it was locked by someone else this will delay clinical practice and service delivery" What would influencebehaviour? Better training Better reminders Better reminders Better training Better equipment Better reminders Better equipment Lack of secure areas How can we raise awareness? "It isn't carelessness. People just don't realistically have the time to lock notes away when they're needed so frequently " "If people wanted to they could just move the mouse and remove the screen saver " "People are aware of IG but wards are super busy" "If people wanted to they could just move the mouse and remove the screen saver " "Monitoring IG performance at local level" 29% 71% 15% 58% 72% 42% 71% 85% 28% 15% 15%
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