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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Goals and Objectives MAJOR WHAT'S Sustain and expand programs in Honduras Diversify Funding Portfolio Strengthen marketing and internal operations Strategies KEY POINTS OF FOCUS Strategy 1.1 Develop corporate partnerships Strategy 2.1 Package HS program as earned income Strategy 3.1 Bring experienced marketing personto the organization - Within Honduras, develop relationship with AmericanChamber Commerce-Work with TIGO to definepotential for tech employeeengagement opportunities- Work to develop curriculumcontributions to E2E businessmaterial for students - Continuously measureresults with pilot program MCHS through 2014-2015school year-Begin researching market for program value in foreignlanguage dept and comm. service depts for privateschools in Bay Area- Begin meetings and proposalprocess with Honduras private bilingual schools -Look into potential U.S. restricted grantsthat focus on bringingglobal awareness to classrooms - Add marketing professional to the Board- Find new interns with fresh marketing perspective- Utilize new YP advisory board position to assist Strategy 1.2Enhance capacity and training of Board and volunteers Strategy 2.2Seek out more and diversein-kind contributions - Bring on new energyand skills through 2new members-Clarify roles and responsibilities for Board members -Reconfigure meeting schedule to include in-person meeting and potential in-country visit - Create visually impactfulupdates and storytellingof student businesses- Create unique tagline and image scheme - Refine design for Investment Group PDF to present -Create unique experiencefor investors and decideROI Strategy 1.3 Document and elaborateoperational proceduresfor comm. selection, studentenrollment, and facilitatortraining/expectations Strategy 2.3Investigate possibilityof student-createdproduct or Honduranproduct to sell in US Strategy 2.4Partner with local NGOsto co-apply for grantsexclusive to locally ledinitiatives (i.s. SEIF) Strategy 1.4Develop improvedrelationship with local government to increase buy in MAJOR HOW'S Tactics Strategy 3.2Brand and refine E2EInvestment Group Strategy 3.3Cultivate and uncovernew E2E Ambassadorsin Honduras and withinUS Honduran diaspora Strategy 3.4Begin to hold fundraisingevents in Honduras toraise awareness to E2E Strategy 2.5Develop an Advisory Boardof Millennials who giveannually and lead fundraising efforts - Initiate E2E facilitatortraining for new and existing ones led by Brenda-Create manual for studentenrollment and school-related policies- Document community selection and vetting process - What product can we exportand sell on E2E website andin person?-Examine associated costsfor packaging and qualitycontrol- Examine costs of artisanmaterials and training - Reach out to HonduranYPs with large networks-Create official ambassadorpromotional materials andexpectations- Work within theirsocial media networks - Establish protocoland MOU to have facilitatorscompensated by municipality- Local govt. should providesome event space fortrainings/celebrations etc- Local govt. as purchasersof student products andto provide internships - Seek out local NGOs with focus on girls/education/entrepreneurship-Establish MOUs- Work off of their admin capabilities when applyingfor grants-Assist them with secondary school supportor entrepreneurship training/technology - Establish planningcommittees with E2EAmbassadors in Honduras-Look for corporate sponsorsfor event donations- Need to become establishedas NGO in Honduras tosolicit funds from locals-Create spanish marketing materials - Recruit YP's with interestin global development-Develop Advisory BoardCharter- Establish meeting place -Utilize members to testemployee engagement tools with their employers-Recruit through World Affairs Council, Commonwealth Youth Councils
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