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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Spon ges Phylum Porifera Reproduc tion HermaphroditicThey are sequential hermaphroditesFirst one sex and then changing into the otherOr can be asexualGametes are made from choanocytes or amoebocytesEggs reside in mesophyl, but sperm are carried out into the water by the water currentCross fertilization in mesohylFertilization occurs in the mesohyl, there the zygote develops into a flaggelated swimming larvae. After settling on a substrate it becomes sessile adult Classification 1. 2. *resources - *Do not have tissue of organs*Simplest multicellular animals*Sessile: live and are attached to the bottom of he sea*multicelular Ostia: pores where water entersOsculum: larger opening where water leaves Pinacocytes: Flattened cells that cover the exterior of the body Asexual Sexual Choanocytes- the feeding cells that line the spongocoel. Have beating flagella that create a current thus drawing water through the porocytesPorocytes-form channels to allow water to pass though the epidermis Class Calcera -made of spicules of calcium carbonate-usually small with tube or vase shapes Class Hexactinellida-glass sponges with six rayed spicules of silica-deep sea formsClass Demospongiae-95% sponges- spicules made of silica but are not six rayed Sponges -almost all 6,000 known species of sponges are marine-Live anywhere to the poles to tropics -Vary in size, color, and/ or shape-Sponges are changeable-Easily form new types-Suspension feeders-80% of particles caught by choanocytes
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