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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] .The Sputnik was soviet union satilite that was launched into space in 1957. Inventions That Help Astronauts Water Filter Astronauts need a way to get clean water in space.This helps us because not all the water is clean, so it gives us clean water modern insolation This insolation helps when astronauts to not burn up.This helps us keep cool and warm air presant in one area. Ajustible Smoke Detector It helped astronauts detect deadly gasses on their expeditions and helps us detect deadly gasses in our enviorment. Men in Space over Time 1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first human to go into outer space. 1957 1961 Alan Shepard was the first american man to go into space. 1962 John Glen was the first american to orbit the earth. 1963 Valentina Tereshkova is th first women into space 1965 cosmonaut Alexei Leonov for the Soviot Union was the first man to ever walk in the moon. 1967 apollo 1 astronauts such as Virgil Grissom, Ed White, and Rodger Chaffee 1969 Apollo 11 lands on the moon with astronaunts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrian 1970 Apollo 13 has an explosion while on its way to the moon 1971 The soviot union sends up a space station into space. 1973 First american space station Sky Lab is damaged during launch 1976 The prob, Viking1 is sent into space to explore mars 1983 Sally Ride is the first american women into space 1983 Guion Bluford makes it into space a the first african-american into space. 1986 The space shuttle Challenger explodes, killing all 7 crew members. The first space suites were only worn inside the space craft. They were part of mission Mercuary. space suit people in space Many people have gone into space from America, China, Russia, Japan, and Canada. They all go up and explore. These people who go into space are famous, such as Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, and Guion Bluford Many people have gone into space from America, China, Russia, Japan, and Canada. They all go up and explore. These people who go into space are famous, such as Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin, and Guion Bluford
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