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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Road To The Civil War! Causes Of The Civil War In really tiny print so please zoom in.Pictures printed on separate page. 1. Missouri Compromise 1. Preserved the balance between slave and free states2. Made Missouri a slave state, and Maine and certain territories free states3. Quieted the bitter debate in Congrees over slavery 8. Dred Scott CaseUntil 1857 some slaves who had lived in free states before were successful when they sued for their freedom. Dred Scott went all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court Decided that even though Scott lived on free soil, he was considered property and could not be freed. 5. Bleeding KansasJohn Brown, who believed God had sent him to end slavery, went with his sons and killed five supporters of slavery. This turned into more armed bands in the territory. This was known as a "Civil War In Kansas" until it was stopped with 1,300 federal troops. 6. Charles Sunner and Preston BrooksWhen Charles Sumner lashed out against proslavery forces in Kansas, he also criticized proslavery senators. After the speech, Sumner's cousin Preston Brooks repeatedly hit Sumner with a cane on the head and shoulders. Sumner was not able to return to the senate for many years due to his injuries. 3. The Compromise of 18501. California was admitted as a free state2. The New Mexico Territory would have no restrictions on slavery3. The New Mexico-Texas Border dispute would be settled in favor of New Mexico.4. The slave trade would be abolished in DC.5. Stronger fugitive slave law. 4. Popularly Sovereignty and the Kansas-Nebraska ActWanted to expand the US for new railroad and transportation purposes. Both of the state's were in places that should be free states, so Stephen Douglas (who proposed the idea) said settlers in the territories should vote on whether to allow slavery 2. Wilmot ProvisoProposed a law to ban slavery in any Mexican territories in the U.S.There was still a large dispute over the territory 9. John Browm's Raid on Harper's FerryWhen the Southerners felt threatened by Republican Power, an abolitionist named John Brown (mentioned earlier) was financed to start a rebellion on Harper's Ferry near a storage place with weapons and ammunition. He was.caught and sentenced to death, which later became a rallying point for abolitionists. 7. Beginning of Republican PartyWhen events had driven the North and South apart, different views over slavery split the Democrat and Whig Parties. In 1854 antislavery Whig and Democrats joined the Free-Soilers to form the Republican Party. The Party chose candidates to run in the state and congressional elections of 1854. The Repunlican Party was popular in the North. 10. Effect Of Lincoln's Election in 1860When Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, he had won the Republican vote. However, the South decided to secede fro, the North even though Lincoln said that he was it going to interfere with slavery. this was the start of the Civil War. Cooper B. period 1
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