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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 1 Month (Nov. 1-Dec. 1) Social Media and Blog Snapshot Facebook Boosted Post = 74 visits Published article from teacher. We both shared on Twitter = 52 visits- 3 RTs from her post- 1 RT/1 fav. from ours Blog Insights 1. People are looking at more than one thingeach visit = great! 2. Average number of sessions = 1,000 or less. We are pretty low, but you cansee growth as the time goes on. 3. People like our content. Once they get there, they appear to stay for a little while (3:33). This means we're doing content well, now we just have to get it out there in a way that is appealing to our audience. Almost all of our likes are comingfrom Facebook Ads. Same with page impressions. Still trying to learnwhat gets our audience to interact. Analyzing posts (photos, links, plain text)to figure this out. Facebook Insights Take Aways 1. Still learning about our FB audience. Testing both fundraising and teaching content. 2. Paid FB ads are making aBIG difference for us. We'llcontinue with those, as wellas boosted posts. 3. Facebook is a slow moving train for newbies: it tookme 4 months to grow a FB account (at other job) to a place where it was getting consistent likes/shares. Need to remain patient and test different methods. Twitter Insights Take Aways Take Aways 1. Despite looking erratic, Twitter is our fastest growing social platform. People are connecting with us and sharing our content more herethan anywhere else. 2. This has become an important platform for finding people with expertise. Great connections are being made, which is leading to awesome content. Twitter is historically all overthe place in analytics. Not a badthingjust the nature of such a fast-moving, volatile feed. Google+ Insights 3. Every day we're getting new teachersand educators following us (187 new followersin last 30 days), which shows that we are sharing valuable content. Engagement = How well we arecommunicating with audience. 71% > 76%Influence = Growth and interest level among audience.This is commonly low but results in greater brand awareness over time.67% > 80% 11/17 - 289 views 11/19 - 305 views Take Aways 1. Google+ is another slow-movingplatform and will take some time. I have found that people engage with our contentmost when I post in a "community," so I am doing more of that. 2. We don't need to worry too muchabout being hugely successful here, it's not a big online hangout for many people. It's just important we maintain by posting regluarly and interacting in communities. All of these were posted in aGoogle+ Community; shows value in being active in communities. Instagram Insights 3. We have an opportunityto interact with everyone hereteachers, fundraisers, other educators and EdTech professionals. Take Aways 1. Instagram has been quick for us. Our audience here has been more ofStartUps than teachers, etc. However,we are connecting with them and hopefully that side of our audience grows. 2. Big use of hashtags herenetworking, workhardplayhard and teammeeting are theones that entice the most engagement. 3. Regular posting is tiedclosely with engagement, which isn't necessarily the casefor all platforms.
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