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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Northern Snakehead Latin name: Channa argus start from scratch[clears the canvas] Indigenous Range: China, Russia and Korea Description of Habitat: These fish are known fortheir broad environmental tolerances and arecapable of living in many different qualities of fresh water. They are most commonly found in rivers andponds. Due to this, they have the potential to spread even further throughout the United States. Key Features: -The fish is a brown overall colorwith areas of darker blotches. -It has a slightly flat head with eyes located on the anterior part of the head.-It is usually around 85 cm long-They have many sharp teeth with a large mouth reaching far behind their eyes. Impact of Introduction:The impact that these fish haveon U.S. waters is highly unknown.However, these predatory fish compete with native speciesfor food and habitat.As adults, they become voracious predators, feeding on other fish, crustaceans,frogs, small reptiles, and even birds and mammals. Methods of Control:Physical removal, such as through hunting and nets, of this species hasproved to be ineffective. Rotenonecan be used to eradicate northern snakeheadsfrom lakes and ponds; however, this chemical is not a selective piscicideand is effective against nearly all species of fish,native and non-native. Endangered species within a waterbody may be impactedby this technique. HIstory of Introduction:This fish is popular in the Asian food market and most introductions were likely released for this purpose.This was the case in the foundingindividuals of the Croftonpond population in Maryland. Ecological Restoration: One option that the U.S. is considering is to bring the Snakehead into markets for sale. However, this is controversial,because it would then acceptthe fish as a part of the U.S. identity, but it wouldn't solve the predatory issues involved. Also, there are social protestsinvolved against this. Faridah Mohammadi
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