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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 WHY YOU SHOULD WEAR EAR PROTECTION Noise induced hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noises. It doesn't matter how old you are,If you dont protect your hearing,you could lose itand there is no turning back the clock;once your hearing is gone its gone It doesn't matter how old you are,If you dont protect your hearing,you could lose itand there is no turning back the clock;once your hearing is gone its gone everyday sounds A safe sound measures at 85db or below.but you shouldn't listen to any sounds at or above this level for lenghty periods of time. whilst exposure to this level of sound for a period of time should n't cause damage to yourhearing,it is still recommended to wear hearing protection in situations where there ispotential for a sudden rise in the volume,such a city traffic. shh! shh! 55db 60db mosquito buzz whisper conversation laughter 60db+ 70db+ snoring Hair dryer 78db washing machine 85db car 30db 20db 10 MILLION BRITS HAVE FORMS OF HEARING Moderate sounds Moderate sounds This is considered to be from 85dB to 100dB. At this level of noise prolonged exposure can cause serious damage to your hearing. therefore the use of ears plugs or ear defenders is recommended for prolonged exposure. For every three decibels over 85dB,the time you can safely be exposed to sound iscut in half.For example the permissible exposure time for a continuos sound of 88dBis four hours; however at 91dB this time drops to only two hours of continuous exposure. 88dB Under ground station 90dB Lawn mower 97dB News paper press 97dB Farm tractor BY 2030 14.1 MILLION WILL HAVE HEARING LOSS IN THE UK Damaging sounds A sound that is 100dB or higher is considered to be damaging to your hearing.Noises that exceed 100dB can cause deafness,tinnitus and other noise indced hearing loss. A sound that is 100dB or higher is considered to be damaging to your hearing.Noises that exceed 100dB can cause deafness,tinnitus and other noise indced hearing loss. At this level,it is strongly advised that an appropriate form of year protection like year plugs or ear defenders should be worm to preserve your hearing 110dB 110dB 130dB 140dB Power saw gun short clap of thunder rock concert 110dB 110dB 110dB 180dB jet plane take off fire works car air bag rocket launch
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