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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Stock Market Game Munster High SchoolMr. FortnerRachel TarpoTeam 375 OVERVIEW OF PORTFOLIOTotal Invested: $56,639.90Remaining Balance: $43,769.63Overall Unrealized Gains/Losses: $261.07Total Equity Gains: $100,409.63 Net Equity Gaines: $409.63 Percent Return: 0.41% STOCK PORTFOLIOName of Company: Walt DisneyTicker: DISPurchase Price: $87.45Number of Shares: 10 Ending Price: $93.76 (per share) Gains or Losses: $63.14 STRATEGYThe strategy for our group was to get a pretty good amount of steady stocks. We wanted to take a few risks here and there with some of the stocks. That is also why we bought so many stocks of Nike, because we wanted to take a risk and see where it went. We weren't sure how some of the stocks that we bought would do so that's why we only bought the minimum number of stocks for a coupe of the stocks. FUTURE CHANGESIf we were to play again I feel like we would most likely make a few changes to certain things. Instead of just buying mostly steady stocks, we could possibly buy more risky stocks. Now that we know how the game works and what it would take to make it to the top rankings, I feel like buying more risky stocks would be the way to go. Also, if we were to do it again, I think we would really make sure to find the top stocks at the time which would make us much more successful. GRAPHICS INVESTMENT RATIONALEI decided to pick the stock Disney because it is a very steady stock, most of the time the stocks price was going up. Disney has great financials and because of this it has given us several benefits. Disney is always releasing new things, that's why its stock does pretty well. Disney also has nice high quality and it has a lot of pricing power. FUTURE CHANGESIf we were to play again I feel like we would most likely make a few changes to certain things. Instead of just buying mostly steady stocks, we could possibly buy more risky stocks. Now that we know how the game works and what it would take to make it to the top rankings, I feel like buying more risky stocks would be the way to go. Also, if we were to do it again, I think we would really make sure to find the top stocks at the time which would make us much more successful.
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