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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Empress Xi Ling encourages silk worm breeding on a large scale.First mass silk production 2640 BC Silk According to Myth, silk was discovered by a Chinese queenwhen she dropped a silk worm cocoon into her hot tea, and asshe took it out, a thin strand of silk unraveled. 3000 BC Silk played in a roll in the downfall of the Roman empire because the Romans spent a large amount on buying silk, which was a Chinese controlled monopoly, making the east rich and the Roman empire poor. Silk was worn mostlyby people of important social status, such as priests, kings and queens, like Cleopatra. 200 BC The secret of silk making is smuggled into Korea andother Asian countries, which corrupts the Chinese silk monopoly because it cannow be purchased elsewhere than China. The History of Silk Trade Silk is a soft, delicate material used for textiles. It is used for decoration and clothing. Made from Silkworm cocoons, it was a luxury in the Silk Road era and still is today. Silk was traded along the silk road, but also on side roadsthroughout Asia. It was also takenby boat through the Mediterraneanto Rome. Silk was ideal for long distance trading because it is light and compact,so large amounts of it could be transported without much effort. It was worth the long trips through brutal terrain and deserts because it was in extremely high demand and was sold for a high price. Government officials were sent from China to establish good relationships with central Asian tribes so that they didn't raid and attack passing caravans. The Caravans consisted of many merchants that rode on camel back, and camels used for the purpose of carrying Silks and other products. Silk was traded in large ports and cities for gold or other products of high value.
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