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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How can you prevent getting sick? Prevention strategies you can use everyday! When you receive the vaccination your body is tricked into believing an infectious agent is attacking you. In reality your doctor is injecting a harmless version of the germ causing your immune system to produce antibodies to attack the intruder. Now your immune system has a memory of this invasion so you are able to recognize and destroy disease-causing agents immediately. For many diseases your immunity will build up as you receive more doses of the vaccine. You should talk to your doctor to make sure you are caught up with all of your immunizations. Remember, vaccinations arent 100% effective but according to A Penny of Prevention Saves a Dollar of Cure, Funds allocated for preventive services have the potential to save millions of dollars spent treating the diseases later on." Immunizations Washing your hands thoroughly is the most effective way to prevent catching contagious diseases (flu or cold) according to the CDC. Great times to wash your hands are:-before and after preparing food-before you eat-after using the bathroom-before and after changing a babys diaper-after handling animals or animal waste-after coughing or sneezing-when your hands are dirty*more frequently when someone in your home is sickwashing your hands effectively:-wet your hands and apply soap. In a study by the CDC antibacterial soap is just as effective as regular soap.-rub your hands together forcefully making sure to scrub all surfaces.Do this for 15-20 seconds. -rinse well and dry off. If in a public bathroom use the air dryers instead of paper towels. Wash your Hands Avoid Sharing Personal Items -liquid soap is preferred over a bar of soap of soap-hats, helmets, hair brushes, and combs all can carry lice-antiperspirant (roll on deodorant), spray is ok toshare. Antiperspirants only focus on decreasing sweat, not killing the germs.- nail clippers, buffers, and files. Beauty care for your hands can leave open cuts for bacteria, fungus, yeast, or viruses from these tools to climb in. -razors, never share things that could exchange blood-drinks can lead to saliva swapping-toothbrushes can pass infections from the bristles, they may contain blood from your gums-earrings can make a little poke in your ear (besides the whole already there) allowing viruses from the last wearer to enter. -earphones build up bacteria in your ears which could lead to ear infections when shared with others Proper Rest and nutrition -limit sugarsTips: cut down on processed foods, avoid sugary drinks, reduce sugar in recipes, create your own popsicles and frozen treats. -limit saltTips: avoid processed, packaged, restaurant, and fast food, opt for fresh or frozen vegetables, cut back on salty snacks (potato chips, nuts, pretzels), choose low salt/ reduced-sodium products. sleep-teens: 9 1/4adults: between 7 and 9toddlers: 14 Bibliography:Klein, Sarah. "10 Things You Probably Don't Want To Share." The Huffington Post., 2 Oct. 2013. Web. 29 Dec. 2014.Newsome, Brian. "A Penny of Prevention Saves a Dollar of Cure." SIRS Researcher. N.p., 17 July 2009. Web. 31 Dec. 2014.Paul, Maya W., and Lawrence Robinson. "Nutrition for Children and Teens." : Easy Ways to Help Your Kids Eat Healthier. HelpGuide, Dec. 2014. Web. 28 Dec. 2014.UNICEF. "Immunization." UNICEF. United for Children, n.d. Web. 29 Dec. 2014.WebMD. "How to Prevent Colds and Other Contagious Illnesses." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 29 Dec. 2014.
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