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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Most common genetically in: Indians Hispanic Carribean Greece African American What is it?: An abnormality of hemogoblin; a genetic illness (PubMed health). A person can have the sickle cell trait or the diesase itself. IF Your mother and father both have a sickle cell TRAIT 25% 50% Chance of being an:uneffected child with normal hemoglobin (Mayo Clinic) 25% Chance of being a: child with sickle cell carrier (Mayo Clinic) Chance of being a:child with sickle cell disease (Mayo Clinic) You - Anemia (shortage of blood cells)-Pain (abdomen,chest,bones and joints)-Swelling (Hand/feet syndrome, abdominal)-Frequent infections-Delayed growth -Vision problems-Yellow tint to skin/eyes-Pale skin/nail beds-Fever 1/5 1/1000 to 1/1400 Sickle Cell Disease: Discovered 1910 sickle cell normal hemoglobin Treatment: Sickle cell disease effects your circulatory system and all organs, since it circulates through your blood. Sickle cells get caught up in joints, and other sections in your body which results in blockage of circulation,swelling and pain. Sickle cell anemia is caused by mutation in a gene whichsends the message to your body to make hemoglobin (Genetics Home Reference). The abdominal hemoglobin causes the red blood cells to become sticky and hooked. This is the defective gene which is the sickle cell. Symptoms: How do you get it? Autosomal condition Treating sickle cell may include: gene therapy (SickKids), blood and marrow stem cell transplant, antibiotics, vaccinations, blood transfusions and medicine called hydroxyurea (Mayo Clinic) . Although there is no cure for sickle cell disease, there is research being conducted on putting normal genes into stem cells for a person with this disease. By doing this, researchers want to know theperson with the disease can "turn off" sickle cells and make more normal red blood cells instead (NIH MedlinePlus). (Mayo Clinic) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to change this header text! double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this title text! double click to change this title text! Did you know thatthe famous rapper Prodigy has sickle cell disease? Discovery: Dr. James B. Herrick Dr.James B. Herrick discovered a new disease from a student bythe name ofWalter Clement Noel. Many doctors looked at his case but Dr. Herrickdiscovered it as a new disease. Fun Fact: Diagnosis: double click to change this header text! Blood tests, are able to determinesickle cell disease. Before birth or during birth using "amniotic fluid" can determine if the child has thisdisease. Prognosis: Those who suffer from sickle celldisease will have a lower life expectancy than those who don't have this disease. There are alsomany possibilities that there aremany without symptoms for years while there are some who don't survive (infancy/ early childhood). Support Groups: If you or a loved one are suffering visit these support groups below: -American Sickle Cell Anemia Association( Cell Awarness Group of Ontario('s Sickle Cell Fondation( Cell Disease Association of Canada( Glossary: Anemia -Shortage of red blood cells or hemoglobin Nail Beds- Base layer of cells on toenails/nailsHemoglobin-Red protein of red blood cells which transports oxygen as oxyhemoglobinfrom the lungs body (tissues) and oxyhemoglobin then becomes hemoglobin.Sickle Cell- Defective red blood cell whichhas a moon or hooked shape. This getsclogged within your body resulting thesickle cell disease.Amniotic Fluid:- within sac which surrounds growing emberyo.
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