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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TESTIMONY CONTACT MISSION PLACES REGISTRATION PERIOD 1st Trip: 5 - 12th Dec 20132nd Trip: 11- 17th Dec 2013 Gideon 012- 7999515Wendy 017- 7738506Aaron (65) 93388702 Thailand & Phillipines GAP 2013 | Testimony Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."Matthew 28:19-20 15th Sept - 29th Sept 2013 (Early Bird)30th Sept - 13th Oct 2013(Late registration) MISSION FEES RM 1400 (till 29th Sept 2013) RM 1600 (till 13th Oct 2013) $ Teacher Ma's interpersonal skills was amazing. He seems to be the walking Yellow Page of the town of Maesai, Northern Thailand.Being a hardworking missionary, he puts in the effort to forge deep bonds with almost everyone he meets. We had a chance to witness how Teacher Ma connects with the stall aunties in the market. He would be able to tell us the detailed family backgrounds of the people there. It made me question myself whether I really know the people in our church or even put in the effort to know them better. As the people realize Teacher Ma cares for them,I believe it makes the preaching of the gospel easier. All in all, it was a memorable trip. I always thought it was going to involve a lot of hard work but I was wrong. During the trip, we were brought to many places for sightseeing and I really enjoyed it. I would like to encourage more brothers and sisters in embarking into the mission field and let God amaze you. MISSION DATE Shaphat's I thank God that I was blessed with the opportunity to beable to embark on a short term Teenz GAP mission trip to Northern Thailand. Together with me, were Sister Becky and Dorothy. We served in the Village of PanMi together with Teacher Ma and his fellow co-workers. Milky, Teacher Ma's wife is a woman that is willing to make sacrifices for God. She was from Hong Kong but she decided to be obedient to the will of God and support Teacher Ma's ministry. Knowing the existence of having language barriers and the unfamiliar geography in the Northern Thailand, Milky still made the choice to live there. As God's ways are higher than our ways, Milky's decision was a great blessing to the people in PanMi Village. She was able to get hold of quality teaching resources for the village school, ensuring the children have the best. Milky, Teacher Ma's wife is a woman that is willing to make sacrifices for God. She was from Hong Kong but she decided to be obedient to the will of God and support Teacher Ma's ministry. Knowing the existence of having language barriers and the unfamiliar geography in the Northern Thailand, Milky still made the choice to live there. As God's ways are higher than our ways, Milky's decision was a great blessing to the people in PanMi Village. She was able to get hold of quality teaching resources for the village school, ensuring the children have the best.
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