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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 BloodConnective tissue Living cells= formed elements Non-living matrix= matrix plasma Physical Characteristics of BloodOxygen rich= scarlet red Oxygen poor= dull red Ph 7.35-7.45Blood temp. Higher than body temp.Blood Plasma (90% water)Dissolved materials (Below)Proteins Nutrients Salts (metal ions) Respiratory gases Hormones Waste products Plasma Proteins Albumin regulates osmotic pressure &maintain salt and water content Clotting proteins- helps stop blood loss (blood vessel injury)Antibodies- protect from antigensFormed elements Erythrocytes= RBC Leukocytes= WBC Platelets= cell fragmentsErythrocytes Carry OxygenAnatomy--------- Biconcave discs, Bags of Hemoglobin, Anucleate (no nucleus), very few organelles1,000:1 RBC:WBCFate of ErythrocytesCant divide, grow , or synthesize proteins Life of 100-120 days Eliminated by phagocytes in spleen or liverHemoglobin Iron- containing protein 4 oxygen binging sites Iron binds to oxygen250 million hemoglobinLeukocytes Bodys defence against disease Complete cells ( nucleus & organelles)Diapedesis- move into & out of blood vessels CardiovascularClosed system Function-Transport oxygen & CO2. Removes waste and delivers nutrientsLocation of Heart-ThoraxMedial to the lungs Size of a fist (14 cm long , 9 cm wide)Pericardium- Connective tissue: forms a protective outer covering; secretes serous fluid.Myocardium- Cardiac muscle tissue: Contracts to pump blood from the heart chambersEndocardium- Connective tissue- Forms a protective inner lining of the chambers and valvesAtria- receiving Chambers Ventricles Pumping ChambersRight Atrium- Receives blood from the: Inferior vena cava, superior vena cave, and Coronary SinusRight Ventricle- Receives blood from the right atriumLeft Atrium- Receives blood from the pulmonary veinsLeft Ventricle- Receives blood from the left atriumLeft and right coronary arteries provide nourishment for the myocardium.SA node- Sinoatrial node. Pacemaker of the heart, controls heart rate. Located superior of right atrial controls. Normal resting heart rate- 60-100 beats per minuteSystolic peak on ventricular contractionDiastolic- ventricles relaxAtrial depolarization and contraction = P waveVentricular depolarization and contraction= QRS complexVentricular repolarization and relaxing- T waveVasodilatation- Maintenance of homeostasisFactors of Cardiovascular healthObesity High cholesterol Gender- women have more deaths due to cardiovascular diseaseSuper foods- Blueberries, salmon, protein, oatmeal, and spinach
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