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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 There are also not as many strictaws to follow. They receive tax benefits when they move off shore and they don’t have to give their employees any benefits in other places. Since the economy is bad in America, people can’t afford many of the things they like to buy and places they like to go for vacation, therefore they have to slow down production because they are not selling as much. A businesses would also like to be sent overseas because the work that they do might be too much to be able to mange the buisnesses properly. The Bad EconomySending My Job Oversea Lorem Sending Jobs Overseas After the recession in 2008 i have to lay off many of my employees. they have had to work long hours for me but I can's afford to pay them over time. because of this they have been making lawsuits because of this. I can't afford to pay my employees or keep up production. i have too much going on to manage my company and i think i need to start out sourcing my company. if i decide to out source the U.S will give me tax breaks. although my business is smal, i can still outsource because technology makes it very easy. not only is it much cheaper but i can hire employes in other countries that specialize I cant afford it I have to leave double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally.After the recission buisnesses cant keep their production and they have to lay off employees. Lawsuits are being made because companies are not paying their workers overtime and technology now of days makes it easy to send a project that needs to be done to other places for a much lower price. Not only does it save you money but it also fills a specialized job. The main reason U.S companies send jobs overseas it to maximize their profit. It also increase innovation and allows companies to stay under control by strategic decision making. There are also not as many strict laws to follow. They receive tax benefits when they move off shore and they don’t have to give their employees any benefits in other places. Since the economy is bad in America, people can’t afford many of the things they like to buy and places they like to go for vacation, therefore caomanies have to slow down production because they are not selling as much. A buisnesses would also like to be sent overseas because the work that they do might be too much to be able to mange the buisnesses properly. After the recission buisnesses cant keep their production and they have to lay off employees. Lawsuits are being made because companies are not paying their workers overtime and technology now of days makes it easy to send a project that needs to be done to other places for a much lower price. Not only does it save you money but it also fills a specialized job. The main reason U.S companies send jobs overseas it to maximize their profit. It also increase innovation and allows companies to stay under control by strategic decision making. The Main Reason main reasons why a company would outsource is to reduceand control operating costs, improve company focus, have many more capibilities, free internal resources for other purposes, function is time consuming to manage so they need more time to be able to function better, Insufficient resources are available, and there are not as many risks. The Good And The Bad For Americans It help the U.S economy overtime even if it causes short-term pain. It is a new way of international trade. President Bill Clinton's labor secretary he said, "If other countries can do something cheaper we oughtto let them do it, and concentrate on what we can do best." U.S negotiated free-trade agreements reduce import taxes, which made foreign imports cheaper than American-made products. The high cost of labor in the U.S. made many business moves out of the country or they would have to move. Moving overseas was the only way U.S. manufacturing companies could compete with labor costs and pricing. With the tax breaks the money that they need should go to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders. it doesn’t make any sense because business in the U.S are trying to recover from the economic crisis. On the industrylevel it can be extremely destructive,but on the firm level it can have at least short-term or medium-term benefits. In the end , it still ruins the job market for many citizens. Jobs are lost and the economy takes a down turn. When we bring jobs to areas of the world that desperately need them, the growth of service for many products and services businesses offer.But yet we still have poverty and high unemployment. We as a country need to find a solution that can help both problems.
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