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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Legislative Branch 3 branches of government There are 100 senators in the Senate, two from each state. The Constitution requires that U.S. senators must be at least 30 years of age, citizens of the United States for at least nine years Judicial Branch Headed by Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The main task of these two bodies is to make the laws. Its powers include passing laws, originating spending bills (House), impeaching officials (Senate), and approving treaties (Senate). Headed by the Supreme Court. Its powers include interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding cases involving states' rights. Representatives must be over 25, 7 year citizens of the US and a resident of the district which they represent Executive Branch Headed by the president and the vice prsesident. The president carries out federal laws and recommends new ones, directs national defense and foreign policy, and performs ceremonial duties. Powers include directing government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and vetoing laws. must be 35 years of age, a resident "within the United States" for 14 years, and a "natural born Citizen," a term not defined in the Constitution. a system in which the different parts of an organization have powers that affect and control the other parts so that no part can become too powerful and the three branches are equal. The Executive branch (the president) can veto or can approve the law also appoints federal officials, who carry out and enforce laws Picks judges to the Supreme Court Nominates judges to the federal court system President has the power to forgive individuals convicted of crimes President can allow amnesty, forgiving a class of crime Executive Branch Checks on the Legislative Branch Executive Branch Checks on the Judicial Branch Legislative Branch Checks on the Executive Branch Congress can disagree the Presidential veto with a 2/3 vote of both housesSenate can reject proposed treaties (2/3 vote to approve)Congress can impeach and remove the President (House serves as prosecution, Senate serves as jury) Legislative Branch Checks on the Judicial Branch The congress can create lower courts, the senate canreject the contestant to the federal court or supreme court Judicial Branch Checks on the Executive Branch Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule laws unconstitutional Judicial Branch Checks on the Legislative Branch Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule presidential actions unconstitutional Supreme Court can use the power of judicial review to rule treaties unconstitutional
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