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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Sahana Eden :Open Source Humanitarian Platform What's Achievement Management? What's Achievement Management? No innovation matters more than that which saves lives Provide solutions for DisasterManagement, Development, and Environmental Managementsectors. What do Sahan Do? BUSINESS GOALS EVERYBODY has clear targets, aligned to business goals EVERYBODY has clear targets, aligned to business goals. ACHIEVEMENT PLAN What's that? 10-20 Responsibilities ... each with 1-3 measurable targets Handle incoming phone-calls * Nobody waits longer than 30 secs * Boss always returns important calls same day E.g. Handle incoming phone-calls First deployed for Sri Lanka tsunami response + auto Job Evaluation How do we use it? Identifying / removing barriers to achievement -> Also used for: double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to change this header text! Major Disaster Deployments : 1. Hurricane Irene in New York 20112 .Tornado in Joplin, Missouri - 2011 - based on Responsibilities' impact on Profit, Customers, Colleagues, Systems Sahana free and open source softwarehelps bring efficiencies to disaster response coordination: SSF Community Development Programs Sahana Partners & Stakeholders SahanaCamps Freedom to use, analyze, modify and re-distribute Available for everybody at no cost Open for research and development Collaboratively developed by a Global community Where has it been used? How can it help your organisation Provide a unique global voluntaryteam of developers and experts:1.Emergency Managers2.Experienced FOSS Developers3.ICT Specialists4.Researchers5.Professionals Provide Core Capabilities :1. Organization & Volunteer Registry2. Missing Persons / Disaster Victims Registry3 .Request and Resource Management4. Geospatial Analysis Active Sahana Deployments
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