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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 TITLE ROADMAP ASSIGNMENT. 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 Cabri Some of my educational and career goals after college is first to get a better job, a job i love and i am passionate of. One of my educational goal after seneca, is to have all my credits to suceed in the chatered insurance exam which takes place eevry semester . one of my main goal to is too gain experience and adequate skills while studying which will enable me to be more efficient at my job site. what i can do to improve my academic performance is by getting involved on campus, obtain the help i need by tutors, study daily and differently, attend every class and manage my courses. some resources available at seneca i can use include, the tutoring service which provide assistance to students in various courses,another resource i can also use, is the financial aid and bursaries students can apply for if they are eligible, but mostly , every students finds one area in which he or she can apply for.another resouces i can use at seneca is the career service which assist students by preparing them for the working world, and also by alerting students of the vailability of jobs either off campus or on campus. my plans for next semester is to suceed in all my courses, and have a gpa better than what i had in the first semester. One of my plans also include, having a part time student job on campus. factors that make following my plans difficult is the instability of my job, since i work on on call basis, sometimes i had to skip some clases just because of my job. the gpa i wish and hope to achieve this semester is 3. some areas i want to improve on this semester, is improve my time management, improve also in limiting the time i put on social mediea and tv, i also want to improve in the way i study . ways through which i can get invloved in college is by going to cheesy events, seeking out all hot spots on campus like the gym, i can also talk to everyone, join a team. Sit Amet My main purpose for attending college, is to get the required skills i need to suceed in life.The things i want to gain from my efforts is people's skills,ability to work in a multicultural environment,and also have a great analytic and problem solving skills.
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