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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 At this time, the medical field was based more on status than merit. Medical "professionals"ranked in the following order; your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] Renaissance Disease & Medicine Natalie Little #1 Physicians -practitioner for the wealthy elite-university-educated-lectured and debated medical opinions -only rank referred to as "doctors"-backed by the government, churches, and/or universities #2 Barbers -surgeons-experience with sharp instruments-job considered gruesome and below a physician #3 Monks -educated on medicine-provided advice in monasteries -infirmatories became early hospitals #4 Denatores -dentists-only for the wealthy elite, excessively expensive-fillings done in ground bone and later gold #5 Folk Healers #6 Midwives/Nurses -women-trained by physicians or other midwives-patient care (especially in times of epidemics) -Jean Francois Fernel -Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia -Felix Plater-Guillaume de Baillou -uneducated-practiced on observation and folk remedies-learned secret tricks from herbalists The renaissance is oftenreferred to as the "MonasticPeriod" of medicine becauseof their use of monks. Monks compiled Greektexts and formed thebasis of medical practices. The concept of humanismwas revived in all forms ofscience, especially medicine. By definition, humanism is the study of the past to hypothesize for the presentand future. In the case of therenaissance, it meant utilizingGreek and Roman scripture. In early years, progress asfar as causes of disease wasvery slow because peoplebelieved disease to be punishment from the gods. In addition, anatomy and physiology was little under-stood due to amateur surgerymethods.
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