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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Rejecting Lincoln's Plan, Congress passed The Wade-Davis Bill that required prewar voters to swear loyalty before reconstruction. The bill guaranteed African American equality. Lincoln dismissed this plan with a "pocket veto". One republican was able to gain the Presidents support through the Freedmens Bureau. Lincoln Proposed the Ten Percent Plan, known as the Proclamation of Amnesty. The Ten percent plan granted that as soon as ten percent of the state took a loyalty oath to the union, the state was allowed to set up a government.If the southern states abolished slavery and provided education for African Americans, the state would gain representation in congress. Aftermath of the civil war lasted from 18651877 known as the Reconstruction Era. Aftermath of the civil war lasted from 1865-1877 known as the Reconstruction Era. The Reconstruction Era Government stuggled with return of the 11 southern states backinto the Union. The constitution did not provide guidance in readmission of states. Many claimed defeated states should swear loyalty among the federal government and adopt the constitution. Economy Souths share of wealthdeclined from more than 30%to about 12%. Union armydestroyed factories, plantationsand railroads. Half of livestock and machinery were gone. Slavery Promoting rights for former slaves that were freed by the 13th amendment but did not grant full citizenship. They hoped to get voting rights and access to education Radical Republicans vs. Lincoln Members of Lincolns party opposed his own planRepublicans insisted that Confederates had commited crimes by enslaving AfricanAmericans and putting the nation through war.Republicans supported full citizanship andthe right to vote for African Americans. Favored punishments for south Supported Sherman Plan to confiscate Confederates land and grant it to freedmen. Freedmens Bureau was created a few weeks before lincolns deathand theyre goal was to providefood, clothing, healthcare,and education for both blackand white refugees. Helped reunite families negotiate between landowners and slaves and representedAfrican Americans in court. Johnsons Reconstruction Plan Lincoln was assassinated April of 1865 and former VP Andrew Johnson took office. He offered pardons and the restoration of the landto any confederate who pledged loyalty.His main requirement was for eachstate to ratify the 13th amendment, and establish a constitution that abolished slavery. By December 1865, most Confederate states had met his requirements All states supported the Black Codes which limited the rights of African Americans. They consisted of limited occupations. States determined wether they could own land. All states did approve of the vagrancy laws where if a any black person did not have a job they would be sent to work as prison labor. Congress was infuriated with the southerns actions and created a committee to to overlook the treatment of slaves.Congress passed a bill to continue the Freedmens Bureau, but Johnson vetoed it. Congress then sought to overturn the "black codes" with The Civil Rights Act of 1866". Republicans spent about a year coming up with a reconstruction program. Congress passed the 14th admendmentwhich protected Freedmens Bureau and guaranteed equality for all citizens. Then the Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 which divided the states to be able to create their own state government. Any state that refused to let black people vote would risk loosing seats in the House of representatives. Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act which limited the presidents power. Johnson tried to fire his secretary of War, Edwin Stanton. Representatives decided to impeach the President for wrong doing during office but Impeachment failed by one vote from the 2/3 majority. States would determine freedom of former slaves About 1,500 free blacks supported the republicans in the South. Mississipi & South Carolinastate Legistures had black speakers in the house. By 1868, SC legislature wasruled by a black majority. Woman gained work opportunities outside of the house especially in the rising education systems.They were able to draw half of the southern children by 1870. Segregation strained theeconomy due to the two seperateschool systems. Taxes helped greatly. The start of railroads improved the condition of the south by attracting new jobs and to carry produce and industrial goods to expand markets. Blacks seeked tocreate new communities in the southern cities. By the end of the 1860's about 300,000 blacks aquired basic literacy. Souths wealth was defined by landownership. 90% of land was owned by 50% of the people. Systems for sharing landincluded Sharecropping where the owner allowed them w a place to live in exchange for harvisting their crop.Share-tenacy the farmer paid in his crops for a place to live.and tenant farming where they paid rent to the landowner. Rising Blacks caused whites to form organized groups to terrorize them, like the Ku Klux Klan, who would burn communities and kill them and their white allies. Congress passed the Enforcement Acts. Northern support ends when other economic issues arise. As well of the cost of the military being kept in the south. Troops were slowly withdrawn in 1871 and in 1872 the Freedmens Bereau was dismissed. Now Blacks owned farms because of the republicans, who were known as, "the party of Lincoln, that freed the slaves". In conclusion, the Union was restored, African Americans gained Citizenship and voting rights, Souths economy improved, and established a public school system and well as Sharecropping. Economy expanded from cotton to many different industrial and agricultural products. The13th , 14th , & 15th admendmentguaranteed African American rights. Democratic party came to dominate the South.
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