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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Napoleon WINNER Victoria Catherine Louis Bolivar Had the cooperation during the beginning of his full reign but after so many wars without an outcome.people started to lose his popularity multiple warsable to lead when he was around the age of 15 Reform of the militaryWar MinistryProfessional officer corps Has the Cooperation of the people Has Courage Able to Motivate and Mobilize Able to Motivate and Mobilize Has Courage Has the Cooperation of the people Has Courage Has Courage Able to Motivate and Mobilize Able to Motivate and Mobilize Has the Cooperation of the people Has the Cooperation of the people Able to Motivate and Mobilize Has Courage Has the Cooperation of the people He was able tokeep fighting and get to where he needed to be to fight the battles he was a leader for his people to lead the freedom from spain A lot of people wantedindependencealso so theyfollowed him,until hewanted tounitethe countriesthe people liked being separate countries She took leadership whenshe was at the age of 18,and was ableto lead effectively. She expandedso that shewas ableto get theresourcesneeded forthe new thingscreated during theage of industrialization She tookleadership whenshe wasat theage of 18, and was able to lead effectively. she had the courage to coup d'état theking her husband She foughtthe russo-turkishwar where sheand the russianempire were able to take several provincesfor her self. Reform of the militaryWar MinistryProfessional officer corps His army was made up of people who admired him. People would talk about how he would dress like a common soldier and how he would greet mere soldier. he was able to motivate his soldiers and his people.he would always find the best way to move his soldiers would not disobey he was courageous because he had been in a lot but a as a goodleader instead of staying home he went into battle even if it meant living his loving wife double click to read text
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