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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Bayonet Constitution: In 1887, the American, European and elite Hawaiian natives in the Hawaiian government passed a new constitution, stripping the monarchy of its power. They used military force to make the king sign The Northern War 1845 to 1846:The British fought with the New Zealand locals, the Maori,and eventually conquered them. The British then used their land as farming ground and further usedmilitary exansion to spread ideas The Bayonet Constitution: In 1887, the American, European and elite Hawaiian natives in the Hawaiian government passed a new constitution, stripping the monarchy of its power. They used military force to make the king sign it. Imperialism in africa The Second Boer warfrom 1899-1902 was foughtby the Boers to show ideas of white racial supremacy over the South Africans through military expansion The European imperialist push into Africa was motivated by three main factors, economic, political, and social. Itdeveloped in the nineteenth century following thecollapse of the profitability of the slave trade, its abolition and suppression, as well as the expansion of the European capitalist Industrial Revolution. The imperatives of capitalist industrializationincluding the demand for assured sources of raw materials, the search for guaranteed markets and profitable investment outletsspurred the European scramble and the partition and eventual conquest of Africa. Thus the primary motivation for European intrusion was economic. the beriln conference treaties of 1884: European countries sent out agents to sign so-called treaties of protection with the leaders of African societies, states, kingdoms, decentralized societies, and empires. The differential interpretation of these treaties by the contending forces often led to conflict between both parties and eventually to military encounters. Imperialism in india/java Sepoy Mutiny1857-58 By the year 1857 the British had established complete political control ofnIndia. As Western education was introduced and missionaries eroded Hindu society resentment among Indian people grew and it was joined by unease among the old governing class when the British decided to formally abolish the Mughal Empire.. Javanese leader in the 19th-century conflict known to the West as the Java War and to Indonesians as Dipo Negoros War (182530). During those five years DipoNegoros military accomplishments severely crippled the Dutch and earned for him a prominent place in the Indonesian nationalist pantheon of heroes. Imperialism Imperialism in pacific -Tanaz
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