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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ten Tricks for Using Primary Sources and Technology Filters? Engaging Your Students ' Think About What They Carry Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 Generacion internacionalnacida entre 1995 y el primerlustro de la decada del 2000 Trick 1: A primary source and social media tool are only as successful asthey can be accessed. Make sure what you and your students are creatingbeats the filter! Trick 2: Use text to your advantage and use different amounts of it to analyze, summarizeand infer about s primary source. Think under 450 characters (microblog), under 140 for Twitter (don't forget the hashtag), and optimum Facebook marketing is 40 characters! Trick 4: Chose visually compelling primary sources with many elements. Five More Quick Ideas STOP! Trick 3: Video and audio engage twice as fast as text. Use video as a hook, and text as the assessment! Trick 5: Think out of the box: Look in American Memory at for great little-known primary sources With the use of digital tools ANY student should be learning about cyber safety. Check out Common Sense Media for resources! Trick 6: Change it up! Move text to visual, visual into text which cements learningTrick 7: Use an authentic audience! Trick 8: Primary sources are in your own backyard: check other social media sources for resources in your state.Trick 9: Don't forget blogs and wikis to collect primary sources in collections. They can be used as a reference source for later too! Trick 10: Use Twitter to comment on primary sources as a constant reflection backchannel
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