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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 VixenBy W. S. MerwinComet of stillness princess of what is over high note held without trembling without voice without soundaura of complete darkness keeper of the kept secrets of the destroyed stories the escaped dreams the sentencesnever caught in words warden of where the river went touch of its surface sibyl of the extinguishedwindow onto the hidden place and the other time at the foot of the wall by the road patient without waitingin the full moonlight of autumn at the hour when I was born you no longer go out like a flame at the sight of meyou are still warmer than the moonlight gleaming on you even now you are unharmed even now perfectas you have always been now when your light paws are running on the breathless night on the bridge with one end I remember youwhen I have heard you the soles of my feet have made answer when I have seen you I have waked and slipped from the calendarsfrom the creeds of difference and the contradictions that were my life and all the crumbling fabricationsas long as it lasted until something that we were had ended when you are no longer anythinglet me catch sight of you again going over the wall and before the garden is extinct and the woods are figuresguttering on a screen let my words find their own places in the silence after the animals "Comet of stillness" is an oxymoron. Oxymorons are poetic devices that pair opposites. Comets are always in motion therefore not still. "high noteheld without trembling withoutvoice without sound" is also an example of and oxymoron because any note being held has to have a sound. These are found in the first two lines of the poem. An example of an anaphora is in the fourth line "of the destroyed stories the escaped dreams the sentences" The receptive word "the" followed by another word makes it an anaphora. In line five we see a form of alliteration. An alliteration is an initial repletion of consent sounds. Example: "never caught in words warden of where the river went. Here we see the repeating consonant W A metaphor is a phrase that is symbolic for something. In line ten the phrase "you no longer go out like a flame at the sight of me" is a symbol of how the vixen used to be shy and closed off when the saw the human, but no longer hide at the sight of them. Personification is when an inanimate object or idea is given human like characteristics. As demonstrated in lines eighteen and fourteen the inanimate object of night and the idea of fabrications are given the human like characteristic of breathlessness and crumbling. An apostrophe is a type of personification where an author gives an inanimate object the characteristic of an animate one as if they could converse with them. In line fifteen it says "when i have heard you the soles of my feet have made answer". This is an apostrophe because sole of feet literally can not give answers. The poet is trying to say that by being there, standing in on the soles of his feet, he has found answers. This poem is written as one big enjambment. This is a continuation of a sentence without an punctuation after a line. This poem is about a platonic love between a vixen and a human. The vixen is mysteriously perfect to the human. The human has been watching the vixen for a long time now that the vixen has grown accustom to the human and no longer hides at the sight of them. When the human sees the vixen they feel complete and at peace. Everything that is fabrications and contradictions go away. The human continues to yearn for another glimpse of the vixen before it is gone for good and finds their own place of peace where they can feel complete. This poem is written in one big enjambment. An an enjambment is the continuation of a sentence without the use of punctuation past a line. The poem Vixen is written this way to symbolize the ongoing platonic love a human shares with a vixen. The vixen is mysteriously perfect to the human. The human has been watching the vixen for sometime now that it has grown accustomed to them and no longer hides at the sight of them. As long as their meetings last is as long as the human can slip away from all the fabrications and contradictions in their life. Once the vixen leaves the human continues to yearn for their return so they can continue to escape the chaotic life they live and find peace in the vixen.
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