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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Because of the fossil fuels that we are burning, greenhouseare getting thicker and thicker so the earth is becoming hotter and melting all the ice. Since all the ice is melting Polar Bares can't cross the ice for food. This means that mothers usually can'tfeed their babies enough food so they sometimes die. another problem is that Polar Bears are built for for cold weather and won't survive if the weather gets to warm.Now these bears spend more time on land eating from the trash. What's the Problem? What's the Problem? Why is This a Problem? Why is This a Problem? This is a problem because we are killing off all the PolarBears and scientists say they will only live for 50 more years. Some scientists think that they effect our eco-system and how the earth is getting warmer. This is happing because humans are using too fossil fuels which is causing greenhouse gases to get thicker and thicker. When greenhouse gases get thicker it means that our planet is getting more hot air into the earth. This is why the earth is getting hotter and Poler Bears habitat is melting. Now Poler Bears can't cross the ice for food and are starving to death. Who is Responsible? Who is Responsible? . We are killing Polar Bears because of all the fossilfuels we are using. This is related to energy conservationbecause we use fossil fuels to make energy but we arn't able to renew it easly and it's killing lots of animals.In fact Polar Bears only have one preadator which is Humans. Humans have started climate change, oilspills, and people still kill them. So why do we use fossil fuels if there so bad . We use them because imagine not having a tv, ipad, movies ,cars.... but weneed to work together to get rid of them. How can it be Solved? How can it be Solved? My topic is about climate and how the earth is getting warmer. People are concerned because its effecting lots of animals including polar bears. My topic is about climate and how the earth is getting warmer. People are concerned because its effecting lots of animals including polar bears. Top scientests are trying to find out a way ot stopclimate change, they think that we need to userenewable energy that is enviormently friendly.If we want this to go away then we have to askthe Fedreal and Provincial goverment to make laws about fossil fuels and killing Polar Bears.They'er ways you can help are by planting a tree,telling others about this problem, and don't driveas much. The reason why th egoverment isn't doing anything is because it's alot of money to not use fossil fuels. Thery'er also ways the goverment is helping, like by giving you money to help buy your Hybrid. even though it's 35,000-40,000 dollars they will give you at least 10,000tward your car. The goverment will also give you money for buying solar panals as well. hybrid car whatis theproblem? we are responsibleand only we can fixit. Climate Change and it's Effect on Polar Bears Climate Change and it's Effect on Polar Bears
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