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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Coral Spiders Snakes Lizards Scorpians "There are manytypes of coral, anda few of these havetoxic chemicals." (10 Animals You didn't know were Venomous p.1) Platypi Jellyfish According to Top 10 Animals You didn't know were venomous, the Gila Monster'spoison comes from theirteeth and is injected throughchewing. Birds According to Mark Muncini, the Spur-Winged Goose'sflesh is poisonous to eat. According to Top10 Animals You didn'tknow were Venomous, the Cone Snail's venom paralyzes its prey. Mac | Early Adopter | Gadgets Animals often use poisonto defend themselves andto capture prey. Fish "As [the box jellyfish]pierces through theskin and enters the wound, it causes bloodpressure elevation, cardiac arrest, and eventually death."(Staff Writers p.1) Did You Know ... All Sorts of Animals are Poisonous? "[Stonefish] deliver venomthrough a row of spines ontheir back that can be extended when threatened" (Sacket p.1) According to Staff Writers, the King Cobra spits poison in its prey's eyes "True to its name, the death stalker scorpion can launchan attack that canmaim a person andlead him to his untimelydemise. (Staff Writers p.1) "The male platypus has a [venomous]spur, located on the heel behind each leg.(10 Animals You didn'tknow were Venomous p.1) Snails Animals often use poison to defend themselves and capture prey. Is thatpoisonous? The Brazilian wandering spiders venom isvery painful becauseit is highly concentratedwith serotonin according toStaff Writers. By: Graci Gotchy
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