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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ADrive Pogoplug vs Unique Feature Cost Limitations Maximum storagelimit is 10 TBonly archives filechanges for two weeks encrypts all files with AES-256 Purchase a deviceto create your owncloud storage 5GB for Free orUnlimited for $49.95 Free account is only 5GB.Cannot passwordprotect folders withoutpaid account Pogoplug and ADrive are two different online storage systems. Security Security Free account saysnothing about encryption Premium account uses SLLprotocol Unique Feature Edit your documents online Cost Limitations 50GB for Free limitedfeatures or100GB for $25 a yearfull features Both of these services offer their own pros and cons.Pogoplug offers the purchase of a device that will allow you to pay once ( $50 or $100) for a device that plugs into your router and creates your own cloud storage. Connect a hard drive and that becomes your limitation on storage. As for their cloud service,Pogoplug does promote unlimited storage for the $49.95 yearly subscription.Even though ADrive does not offer unlimited storage, for only $25 a year you get manyadvance features that Pogoplug does not offer. For example, you can work on your filesonline, incremental backup, and Geo-Redundant Storage (files are folders are copied and stored in multiple physical locations) by Paul Minkler using Easel.lyInformation is from the respective companies web sites, and this TIME online article
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