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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Pneumonia An infection of the lungs that iscaused by bacteria, viruses, fungior parasites. It is characterized bythe inflammation of the air sacs inthe lungs which are filled with fluid What it is Breathing exercises Coughing maneuvers Signs &Symptoms Cough Fatigue Nausea Chest pain Fever/Chills Shortnessof breath Treatment you can do at home References Diaphragmatic Breathing: Lay on your back, place your hand over yourabdomen. Breath in through your nose and focus on moving the hand [on your abdomen]out with your stomach. Exhale through your mouth. Do this 10x/hr, 3-4x/day Pursed Lip Breathing: Relax. Breath in through your nose with your mouth closed. When you exhale, you should make a circle with your mouth, as if you were whistling.Slowly exhale. Do this 10x/hr, 3-4x/day.This will relieve your symptoms of feeling short of breath. After breathing exercises, perform these coughing techniques. Lifestyle Modifications - Get plenty of rest- Drink lots of fluids- Exercise!- Get the flu shot and immunizations After your breathing exercises you should perform 2-3 coughs to help loosen the mucus in your lungs.When doing this hold a pillow against your chest to relieve tension. You should cough after each breathing exercise as well as periodically throughout the day. Cameron, M., & Monroe, L. (2011). Physical rehabilitation for the physical therapistassistant (pp. 379-381). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders. Crosta, P. (2014). What is pneumonia? What causes pneumonia?.Medical News Today. Retrieved 19 November 2014, from Frownfelter, D., & Dean, E. (2012). Cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy evidence to Practice (5th ed., pp. 457-467, 476-477). St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier. Maybury, L. (2014). Acute Medical Conditions. Retrieved 19 November 2014, from w,. (2014). Pneumonia-Topic Overview. Retrieved 19 November 2014, from
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