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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Good Places to go in Arabian Peninsula The Mountains The Coastal Plains Physical Features of the mountains are sometimes dangerous but, most of the time its very fun and enviromental. - Peninsulas highest peak is at 12,008 feet (3,660meters).-Mountains become higher some peaks rise to more than 9,000 feet. -The mountains are very isolated, hard to travel. The climate of The Mountains arenot as bad either. -The mountains are very hard to farm and harvest.-Is isolated from the rest of Peninsula The adaptations are not as bad either - Farmers made an irrigation system- Makes lots of crops but mostly fruit.-Lots of animals such as sheep, and goat I would give Mountains a 3 because it is very isolated but that means there are more crops, water, and animals for the people who visit or live there. For trading I would give The Mountains a 2 because not that much of people go there but it is a very nice to go to. The Physical Features of the Coastal plains are very flat/plain. -Gets some rain about 20 to 30 inches a year.-Very nice to go and plant crops.-Easy to do more stuff and get it done faster. The climate of the Coastal Plainis very different from the Mountains -Flat land that you can easily plant crops.-Can travel really easy and fast.-An easier trade not isolated and a great place to be at.-You can wear nice clothing such as silk only when its warm.-Its very cold in the winter but, very hot in the summer sometimes to hot. dou The adaptations are very easy to get use to -Flat land that you can easily plant crops.-Can travel really easy and fast.-An easier trade not isolated and a great place to be at. I would give coastal plains a 5 because its a great place to live and easy to to crops and travel. Coastal plains would also get a 5 for trade because it is easy to travel to and in.
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